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superstudmuffin last won the day on March 3 2015

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About superstudmuffin

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  1. My tip would be to shoot spores in early rounds. The thrashers are less likely to spawn. Unlike other bosses when they spawn instead of running away you need to confront it fast and loop back past it to keep zombies out of the mist. The gas mask helps with this. They actually have a weak attack so don't be afraid to confront one head to head. there are a few guns that destroy the thrasher very quickly. If you cant get the skull of nan sapwe due to random players you next best bet is to do your teer 2 challenge. The rewards, brecci 205, dingo and svg100 once PAPed will absolutely melt the thrasher. tobehonest once used to them they are one of the weakest bosses in zombies. In the later rounds you will get more annoyed by the little spiders than a thrasher. They quickly block your escape root or get under your feet when training. All of a sudden you can't move and wondering why. You look at your feet, damn spider.
  2. Just went 41 rounds 4 player with randoms, 2 without mics.No camping , just running around the map . It's very rare to get a game like that
  3. It's been mentioned numerous times prior to the dated video. So yes people already knew about it completechaos27
  4. Let's just hope we are not searching for a red herring. Although transit was fun searching do we really want a repeat? Treyarch are notorious for taking stuff away from us. Remember the jet gun, the sliquifier. It could be possible they realised through lack of knowledge how good some players actually are. Their knee jerk reaction is to restrain them from playing to ridiculously high rounds. i hope this is not the case, but seriously who here trusts Treyarch from past experience? Ps it's still fun searching, that's what got me hooked on zombies but people can only take so much before giving up completely.
  5. 24 , 4 player randoms. Anyone else have leaderboard issues? Mine have not updated since the first week after release. Everything except high rounds works fine.
  6. I mean no disrespect as this is what you do and are very good at it. Question being is it too early to be digging into files and posting public possibly spoiling people who want to hunt the old fashioned way?
  7. Sorry to hear of your experience, thankfully some kind people give tips and tricks to overcome some issues. At the end of the day Treyarch need to fix it not yourself. on PS3 when a new DLC dropped for BO2 MoTD was unplayable. Treyarch did nothing and if you wanted a work around you had to do it yourself. Bad form in my opinion. One of the best maps ever made completely ruined lucky to have 200 people online at any time there after.
  8. This games starting to piss me off. The match making is horrible. God forbid I actually get a game once every blue moon only for someone to end the game early. It stops searching for games then nothing. Once I found a game in SOE and it sent me into a multiplayer team death match lobby. i can't hear the zombies at all, juggernog is not worth 2500 because it does sweet fuck all. No point in PAP a ray gun as it would not shoot the skin off a rice pudding on round 10. fuck me, how many years have they been making these games. The menu navigation is something a 2 year old came up with and needlessly fucking stupid. If you make players do tasks in game make it so one player can do it all just in case others don't know what they are doing. the game has real promise but your fuck ups on the little things in which you should know better will drive players away in droves. Don't even start me on multiplayer, possibly the worst did I've played. It's just shit, period. Sorry for the rant.mthis truly my first time I've ever truly got pissed at COD.
  9. To put in perspective, I play mostly random games 4 player. Saying that I play solo and also with team mates depending on time and circumstance. i have a high round 75 die rise solo, 45 motd 4 player, 44 origins 4 player etc. I'm also an avid NML player and have basic training . Obviously not up there with the best but can play zombies. i can play a random game with 4 players on bus depot survival to round 17 with 27 revives yet can't get past round 12 on SOE. Obviously it will take time to get used to the map but something ain't right. make it hard then easy is NOT zombies, make it easy then VERY hard is how zombies should be. I think 3arch has really dropped the ball on what people want or expect. seriously motd was hard at first I admit, but once used to it and all set up I'd be round 30 laying prone looking at pieces of paper floating around the map with a sniper whilst zombies are chasing. Yet round 8 I was nervous as hell.
  10. Funnily enough I found this map one of the harder maps to navigate. Too much going on and me not paying attention. Thanks Chopper
  11. The way I see it as these people are seriously skilled at what they do, the footage confirms this regardless of the playing conditions at the time. However the problem when Treyarch have knee jerk reaction to restrict anything they are not hurting these players. They are hurting the majority of their players. i can't speak for everyone but from experience, I've played maybe 10 games since release. Work commitments, family etc take priority over playing video games. Only to find out someone has not turned their PS4 off for 2 weeks has already taken advantage of a NON properly tested game and claim records. look I'm not complaining as far as I see it these blokes in fact do hold the record, what pisses me off is Treyarch moves the goal posts mid game and make it unachievable for anyone else.
  12. I'm struggling with match making and connection. Funnily enough 3arc games I've always had trouble in multiplayer hence me turning to zombies. AW was good to me. Had a relentless killer player card, had brutal killer emblem and high 36 kill streak. 3arc I'm lucky to get a UAV. Over all titles it's never changed. In a way I'm kinda glad as it makes me play zombies. i can't comment on MP too much as it's a total failure, looks ok I guess but not playable for me.
  13. Host migration works fine. I had one game that was weird. 4 players spawned in a random game. First round and before a zombie was killed we were met with a game over you survived round 1. We all got chucked back to the lobby. All 4 of us were WTF and played another game with no problems.
  14. Time to stop making PC games. At least disable files and EE for PC versions. It's pretty pathetic.
  15. I've only played a few games, can tell you I harvested a few green at the start. Once I figured out how to unlock NigNog there was a red pod near there. I never harvested this one prior. Never seen a purple though. So I can confirm they don't stay green. Maybe unharvested pods change colour only.
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