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Syphillis last won the day on August 27 2016

Syphillis had the most liked content!



About Syphillis

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  1. Hey guys. This is Syphillis and today I have got an awesome little thing for us to do! So. Here we will be designing, or redesigning some awesome zombies perk-a-colas. I know it has probably been done before, but, this is your chance to do whatever you want. Make an awesome perk with the information about it and then I’ll do a mock up of the art of the top three! I know it’s not much, but, being new to the forums and all I just want to start the ball rolling with something small. I’ll be working on a much larger story based forum post over the next couple days, might even have it up in the next day if you’re lucky. So yes, go wild and design some awesome perks and then see the concept art for them when I have decided which ones I like the most! This is Syphillis, leaving a rash.
  2. I'm throwing it out there right now and saying that I have no idea what any of that staticy shizz means!
  3. Thanks bud! Grill has already explained it all to me. Nice to see you !
  4. Hey guys, You may know me as Ex-PTG Director extraordinaire 'Syphon'. Things went sour there pretty quick so I needed to get out, which I did. I has all the futerpoop intel from Benn and a little extra on the side, two weeks from now is gonna be a fun day... Anyway. Moving swiftly onward. I am here for fun, games and to talk Zombies. So, don't freak out about my PTG history. They were a bunch of twats!
  5. Welcome to the forums Syphillis :)

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