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  1. The following is merely a story to scare children

    1. Inconcievable


      *sigh* Peter, you know better...

  2. It's origins are fairly obvious. Plenty of evidence supports voyagers theory. Perhaps it's not from buried but it was made by Porter. That much is known and is accepted. If you choose to ignore the evidence so be it, but don't attack others theories when yours has less evidence :)
  3. NVOL

    Origins- Not seperate

    Uhm either way his theories should not be hated on, as neither you nor him know what next game could bring. We should all respect each others theories as that's all they are. :)
  4. You are missing the real connection between the maps. It's not actors but rather the element of horror.
  5. Ley Lines are the subject of today's discussion lady and gentlemen. This is a theory I have developed through research. In order to understand my theory first you must understand Ley. Ley Lines are cracks in the Earths crust that run in straight lines. They are shown to exert a larger magnetic field, and are often believed to hold many uses. For example some believe that if given enough energy, Ley Lines can transport you through time and space. Ley Lines are also shown to link areas of great importance, usually culminating in various points. These points are believed to have more energy than a single Ley as multiple are connecting. These areas are sometimes referred to as Vortices or Nexus points. Some places built at these Nexus points are capable of amplifying said energy even greater leading to displacement or even rifts in time itself. Now when this energy is met with other things at amplified places like an eclipse, time is said to stop itself. Things like Henges , Obelisks, or the Pyramids are shown to be among the best amplifiers of this. Also when this energy is exposed directly without resistance it can achieve the same effects without a need for amplification. Now heres where my theory comes into play. When we play Der Riese the map is set during an eclipse. We see pure space and stars in the sky along with other anomalies. Not only that but we also have amplifiers in the form our mainframe and the Fly Trap. My belief is Der Riese is stopped in time as it exposed to a massive amount of magnetic energy. Now the next map you could correlate this too would be Shangrila. Within the dense jungles of this map we travel between a times. One during an eclipse, and one not. We also are next to a pyramid. This is why I believe Gary and Brock are stuck in the eclipse. They simply are frozen in time. Bound to the jungles forever. Following up on that we have Nuketown. Nuketown is next to a massive crater in the earth which allows for a greater flow of energy from the Ley Lines. This freezes the mushroom cloud and our players there until it is penetrated further. Hitting the Nuketown site would cause a massive crater. Following up we have TranZit. TranZit is shown to be within close very close proximity to Nuketown which is hit by a massive rocket of 115. This served as the perfect airborne conductor allowing Ley energy to travel worldwide. In Tranzit we power up the Obelisk, which as I stated above is a perfect amplifier. Die Rises entire building serves as a monolithic Obelisk. We see what can be assumed to be meteors hitting the Earth on Die Rise. This possibly means a rocket blew away an area near here although no evidence other than this exists. We are also made to power an Obelisk up once again. This in turn starts to create a link of Ley. Buried is over top of a rift in both the Earth, and due to Ley time also. This is how we have a western town in Africa. We are next to both Africa and America as time is defunct this close to the Earth. We power up the final Obelisk and then the egg is done. Maxis comes either speaks of Argatha, or Richtofen about receiving full power of aetheric manipulation. So this is not only why in my view, Ley Lines have looped time and distorted space. Our story has been driven by this energy.
  6. Welcome to the forums TheArisen :)

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