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About EricGherkin

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  1. hey guys im new as you can tell but im here for you, i have completed all easter eggs and i am willing to do it with you guys im on a new account so i get they same experince i am a okish zombie player and do have shotguns on main account <<<<<------- im on form half 5 eastern time and next week form 3 eastern time i have they season pass and am willing to licence transfer if anybody want it well nice speaking to you guys im gonna go play zombies p.s i mod waw guys ;)
  2. zombies easter eggs

  3. like i said it depends on your high rounds and downs at the same time you may have a 50kd but i have people with a 33.345kd and have shotguns but they get to 40+ everygame with 9-10 downs so they rank up quicker my account is only 5 days old so its doing ok with a 121 kd and a high round of 71 on buried with 2000 and 1 down if i do that again or a few times i should level up quicly
  4. im new so this wont get much attention but i have been gathering data and have worked out roughly what you need to finally get that rank you always wanted SHOTGUNS!!!! K/D is a big factor but they head of zombie development tweeted out that its not revives or head shots its your highest round and how many downs you got in that games so if you get to round 40 with one down and do that over and over your are going to rank up really quick unlike someone who goes to round 20 with 15 downs BONE: 1-10 K/D with 1k Kills 2BONES 10-20 K/D with 2-4k kills SKULL 20-30 K/D with 4-7k kills SKULL AND KNIFE 70-200 K/D with 7-15k kills SHOTGUNS!!!!!!! 200+ K/D with 15k+ kills everybody says they tally mark has something to do with it it doesn't that is simply how often you play zombies. you can rank up with 1-4 ticks blue or no blue eyes dosen't matter. please help people put and place you kills, downs, K/D and rank so people can aim towards an average to level up ive got KILLS: 6092 DOWNS: 53 K/D: 121 HIGHEST ROUND: 71 (BURIED) RANK: SKULL ive just started a new account to measure how many and what i need to rank up as my main account i meesed around on and have a K/D lower than 80 add me on xbox: EricGherkin and i will help you work out your K/D and kills you specificity need to rank up
  5. Welcome to the forums EricGherkin :)

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