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About NotoriousPIG

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  1. Here's my thoughts. The sliquifier is a wonder weapon reguardless. It was used to make those balls spin in the EE and we have nothing like in our world. Plus the goo can travel from zombie to zombie. I agree with the jet gun not being a wonder weapon, but my only question is why do you fly with it? And finally again, without a doubt, the paralyzer is wonder weapon. There is no proof, but you must have the iq of a stale piece of bread if you cannot see it's powered by something incredibly powerful. Which the only thing to our knowledge that can do that is 115.
  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/ZielinskiJimmy/status/478033682150989824 Link to Jimmy's tweet giving us a hint on the Tranzit Easter egg. Unless he's trolling obviously
  3. Did anyone mention Jimmy Zielinski's latest cryptic tweet on the second bus route? And in theater mode, I did the glitch where all fog is gone, and found a train cart with a strange light around it. Probs nothing, but you never lnow
  4. Here is where everyone is going to post odd things that they have found. For example JZ's latest tweet.
  5. Welcome to the forums NotoriousPIG :)

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