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Hello Despite this being my first post on the Call of Duty Zombies forums I am certainly not new to the zombie’s community, for one reason or another I decided to stay away from CoDz but now I fancied a post mainly due to boredom and nostalgic zombies feelings. Truth be told I really hate any other game in the Call of Duty series that isn’t made by Treyarch. Mainly because they are responsible for zombies but they also seem to be able to make more rounded enjoyable games. Therefore due to the addition of the Sledgehammer Games Call of Duty, creating a new 3 year cycle for COD games, I have been incredibly frustrated and bored having a summer where I don’t have new zombies either to play or get excited for. Thus I have been having a ridiculous amount of nostalgia for the series and where it’s going next, so I thought I’d write down what I think will happen in the next COD game. First of all I am certain that the COD coming out on either the 3rd or 10th of November 2015 will defiantly be a Treyarch COD and not made by a 4th party as some people are suggesting. I have a feeling that Treyarch are going back to making Call of Duty’s that are set place in the past. With Ghosts and AW being set place in both the near and distant future I think Treyarch would relish the opportunity to make a game set back in time. Therefore I hope/think that they may make a WW2 again however make it have a twist. World at War was a very good game in my eyes however overall it was not widely appreciated by the community as Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 were. I think this was mainly due to the wider public not enjoying the World War 2 style of online shooter, potentially due to it not having the quick, speedy, in your face game play that people like with Call of Duty. The setting, guns and nature of the game perhaps is what people disliked about it the most. Despite this my general perception of public was they loved the whole Nazi back story to it all and I really thought Treyarch did too. As a result I wouldn’t be surprised if Treyarch were to adopt a similar setting to what Wolfenstien have done in the sense of an alternate reality. Maybe not what if the Nazi’s win but what if the war was still ongoing 20 years on? What if the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren’t dropped? What if the Russians didn’t advance in to Berlin? Etc. I think this is exactly what Treyarch would like to make in a game. It gives them so much scope for creating weird and wonderful methods of killing and potential for a fantastic campaign where I’m sure they can still make it all Michael Bay but still emerge the player in an interesting story as who knows what would have resulted if WW2 continued. The advancement in Technology during a War is far greater than any other peaceful time, so this alternate reality could allow us to see fantastically advanced warfare but set in WW2. I personally would think that would be cool but who knows they’ll probably just make another future game but honestly I’m not concerned, I’m pretty much only bothered about zombies. Now, why I want this alternate reality to happen is it means it increases the likely hood of us seeing zombies back in a time I feel it performs best at, during a war. Although zombies and campaign don’t tend to link together in respect to its setting, it would in this occasion make sense to have them at around the same time and with the increasing input from the campaign team in zombies I certainly think we will see more zombies and campaign interlinking. With zombies ending on an unconvincing not at the end of Origins, Treyarch can now really do whatever they want, despite the fact they gave us the middle finger in basically saying “Let us give this zombies thing another go” and thus potentially making the last 6 years of my life a waste of time. However with this there is also great opportunity for Treyarch to really blow us away with a well made zombie’s experience. In the past the zombie’s storyline has been confusing, difficult to understand and often pretends to have more detail to it than what it actually does. This was further shown at the controversial zombie’s panel at the end of Black Ops where the zombies team came out and really had no idea what was going on. Therefore it’s clear that they enjoy making a lot of things up when it comes to a storyline and don’t like to be restricted; they like to have quick get out jail cards to explain things such as time travel. Hence if a zombie is to follow this route of alternate reality, they are given more of a licence to do more of the ridiculous but this time adds somewhat of realism to the whole experience. I do hope that they do go for the alternate reality just so I don’t spend hours trying to fathom how they worked out certain things, like how did the 4 hero’s get from Kino to Ascension? Answer, they just did. So presuming they are going to set it in a war torn world, what are we likely to get? Well first of all Maxis appears to remain as a presence in the game otherwise they wouldn’t have made him such a constant in the end of Origins yet I don’t think we will be able to play as him. I think Treyarch likes to keep him as the mysterious figure that we never get to see. Also if Edward and Samantha are either made playable or become an integral part of the storyline I am done with zombies forever. Also I’m not sure why but I have a feeling that Treyarch will continue to persist with our “Fab 4”, perhaps it was the tease by Samantha at the end of the cut scene but I think it may mainly be because as a community, we prefer the original 4. We’ve had them since world at war and it gives zombies characters that we can relate to and enjoy. I think the experiment in Black Ops 2 was just an experiment and clearly showed that any other characters would really be a waste of time. Why change a winning formula? But then this brings up the problem that how on earth are they going to make it feasible for 4 make believe characters playable in this more realistic story? The only link I can make is that Cornelius Pennell, the man who sent to the marines to Verruct, is the “author” of Zombies meaning he has written a story that Samantha is rein acting in some description and the 4 main characters are based on real life people. So if we have our 4 main playable characters back in a specific time period, they have got to have a story to follow. What I would like to see is farfetched but as we all know anything goes in zombies. I think it could all start in the campaign. I don’t think there is any doubt the playable character is American so perhaps we could sneakily play as someone like Peter McCain or Harvey Yena, someone who is in the zombie’s storyline but is not a constant. I can’t see the whole storyline revolving around zombies as they need to make the game appealing to as many members of the public as possible, however I can see as the campaign reaches its climax and comes to its conclusion an event occurs that sparks a mass zombies outbreak. This could be potentially due to the Naxi’s condemning the earth to eternal nothingness by turning the dead into living. From here I can see our main campaign protagonist completing a final mission of saving a prisoner of war by battling his way through a hidden underground Nazi secret weapons development facility whilst fighting off the hordes of the undead until he comes to the control centre to unlock all of the prisoner of war cells. By pressing this button he consequently opens all of cells letting out prisoners but as soon as they depart there cell they fall to the ground dead turning in to zombies due to gas being propelled from vents around the base and as a result sparks the siren that we here in the Origins cut scene. However our campaign protagonist will be killed by a zombie and all will seem to be lost. Our campaign is the ended by a short cut scene of the camera spanning to on last cell, cell 115 where 3 men are being kept captive and experimented on in a dark light were we are unable to ,make out who they are, but with the door shut unlike all of the others. In there a lone Nazi scientist is operating on them. The scientist is not wearing the standard attire the rest of the scientists are; instead it is a separate uniform with a logo large in the centre. The man has a 935 logo large on the centre of his suit and a blacked out futuristic gas mask that looks to be far more advanced than the others. Having finished his worked he opens the door and wakes the 3 subjects. Dazed and confused they leave the cell one by one but don’t fall to the ground. The doctor injects a fluid into his veins and the camera spans to see our 4 characters preparing to take on the terrors that lie ahead. That’s an idea but really anyone’s guess is as good as mine. From here I would imagine that the map is the base you run through as it seems like a safe start and would be a good map to come with a game. As far as the story goes I hope that they stay away from the whole Maxis vs Richtofen and perhaps go for a more fighting an external common enemy and both allies and enemies fighting a common cause from world domination. I doubt they would incorporate that into zombies but I’m really unsure where they are going to go with it as there are so many avenues for a decent storyline I am nowhere near qualified to comment. But I will say I hope they keep their formula that has been successful during Black Ops 1. A side quest is a good way of portraying a story but as long as it’s relevant and doesn’t have stupid pointless steps only put in to annoy people. I think that we will see our standard DLC 1-4 and have zombie’s maps in all of them. Hopefully all of them will be made by the campaign team but sadly that is highly unlikely so I hope the zombies teams takes a leaf out of there book and makes more maps similar to MOB and Origins as both were the best maps in Blackops 2. I think this was because the maps had intent and a bit of meaning to them. They were meaningful thought out maps that weren’t just a bleak building in the middle of China. No one cares really about that we want meaningful decent maps that aren’t just made because they have to be. Also the ambient music in the background actually does make a massive difference; it gives the map presence as well as allowing Treyarch to take more of my money by putting it on iTunes. Well that’s what I think would be great to hear your views and at the end of the day zombies is zombies is zombies, you can’t beat it! Also if you’ve read all this fair play, you’re fucking mental Chacarron
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
Activision, Call of Duty, Call of Duty: Black Ops titles, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare titles, Call of Duty: WWII are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc.
We are not affiliated with Activision nor its developers Treyarch, Sledgehammer, or Infinity Ward.
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