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Everything posted by CBR_600_RR

  1. You said: Also, as for your formula you must understand that the population today expects more things to do --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I replied: Yeah 7 to 12 year olds! That's who the BO2 zombie maps are catered for....
  2. I'm all for this idea..... I've been wishing for this to happen for a long time now..... Especially since they have been releasing all of these weapon customization packs! I personally think TREYARCH should release some free zombie maps for all of us loyal customers who have been buying DLC for zombies since 2009! But I know that will never happen!! I think if they released a ZOMBIES pack with like 4 to 5 maps I would probably pay $15..... If the maps were good that is... On the other hand if the maps were anything like DIE RISE, MOB OF THE DEAD, BURRIED or ORIGINS then I definitely would not buy whatsoever! They would have to release REAL zombies maps with the WAW/BO1 formula to get my attention..... Please TREYARCH, leave the MAGICAL STAFFS in The Elder Scrolls.... STOP RUINING ZOMBIES My OPINION
  3. That's funny..... I didn't even notice that!!!! I actually do like extinction though... POINT OF CONTACT was good.... NIGHTFALL was good...... MAYDAY was good...... AWAKENING= straight garbage.... On the fence about buying the next ghosts DLC
  4. I would say: Thou shall not glitch. Glitches are for b()tches!
  5. AK-47 Simply because I love this assault rifle
  6. I love CALL OF THE DEAD man..... awesome map in my opinion....... everything except George!!
  7. Yeah.... I usually run jug,phd,stamin up & speed cola..... but yeah I agree with you.... I think it would make STANG n SALLY way more useful on kino
  8. It's a shame what they have done to Resident Evil! I grew up with those games..... Resident Evil 1 was the first PS1 game I ever got... Then over the years I bought and played through countless times pretty much every one that came out until after RE4..... And RE4 really wasn't a Resident Evil at all.... RE4 is when is franchise started to slip. Resident Evil Remake on the Game Cube in my opinion is probably one of the best! I hate how CAPCOM have totally abandoned their loyal customers, they just changed it way too much!!!! I heard Shinji Mikami is making a new game though, hopefully he can bring survival horror back......
  9. Is the Buried of Extinction, mate. There's always a black sheep in the group. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGREED!!
  10. Thanks i'll do that
  11. I'm actually pi$$ed at TREYARCH for releasing all these weapon camo packs in multiplayer..... Come on TREYARCH, give us some new ZOMBIE maps!!! Just don't make them fruity like DIE RISE, MOB OF THE DEAD, BURIED AND ORGINS... You have to go back to that BO1 simple formula that everyone liked!! Just my opinion
  12. Every map I hated and just could not get into: -SHANGRI-LA -MOB OF THE DEAD -BURIED -ORIGINS -DIE RISE I absolutely hated die rise the most! Worst map of all time in my opinion....
  13. Microwave gun from moon just because of the dual functionality and the fact that it's just a monsterous beast.... The thunder gun is pretty good too though....
  14. This really isn't an exact answer to your question but.... I was so pumped for BO2 zombies and I ultimately feel like I was let down.... I liked tranzit but thought it was just too big for 4 players! If someone went down they most of the time just left the game because you would be to far away to revive them.... Coming from someone who mostly plays with randoms.... After that I honestly hated every DLC that was released! I think they just got waaayyyy off track and added a bunch of stuff that no one really wants... And god the maps were just terrible! I remember playing die rise for the first time just thinking to myself " wtf is this "??? who the f..k wants to play in some crammed ass maze with no room to run trains? I thought die rise was just atrocious!! I honestly thought at that point that TREYARCH had fired and re-hired a new zombies team because zombies just didn't seem like zombies anymore... I mean personally I like open maps where you and every one else have room do go off and do your own things without getting in each others way.... CALL OF THE DEAD was my favorite map MINUS George, I always just avoided him and I never had a problem.... Continuing on I thought MOB OF THE DEAD sucked.... the first time I tried it and I turned into a ghost I immediately backed out and thought "OKAY, they have ruined zombies" I mean it's fruity! who wants that? After that every map just got worse and worse... BURIED, a big oversized goof wandering around and a witch in some haunted house?? I WANT TO KILL ZOMBIES!!!! not play in some fairytale.... ORIGINS, now this map I just feel they completely blew wrong out of the water.... Yes it was big and open but god the crap they put in it.... GIANT ROBOTS? MAGICAL STAFFS? TREYARCH no offence but you really screwed up on BO2 zombies.. I was actually hoping the last map pack was gonna be the black ops maps re-made with grief... I really wanted to see KINO with grief And I also wanted to see a KINO with STAMIN UP and PHD FLOPPER added to it... One last thing I want to point out: the ranking system I loved the ranking system but the one complaint I have is that you could never look at anyone else's stats other than your own.... you could be in a pre-game lobby and look at your own stats but couldn't see anyone else's.... now how does that make any sence treyarch?
  15. I personally think they need to do something with the weapon damage!!! It just gets way to hard to kill zombies on higher rounds.... They need to do PACK A PUNCH in multiple levels... PAP level 1= rounds 10 to 20 PAP level 2= rounds 20 to 30 PAP level 3= rounds 30 to 40 and so on and so on..... that way as you progress on you can just continue to upgrade your weapons and get a little more damage
  16. If you do end up buying ghosts don't buy the 3rd map pack because that extinction map "awakening" is really, really fruity in my opinion
  17. I think a kino remake with stamin up and phd flopper added to it would be awesome!
  18. On higher rounds when you are on the move and you stop to repair a window always keep your back to the window....... unless there's a zombie in there of course
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