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About ThePrawnier

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  1. I like the idea of different ammo types. If the gun were to receive different ammo upon PaP, it could be incendiary. Or why not make it like extreme bullet ricochet where the bullets bounce from the walls and zombies (Either of those might be a worthwhile perk)
  2. Ok, lets all just drop the C4 idea for a minute. We don't need this to be a lot like MP. Lets open our minds to think of other lethals. For example, we could have throwable electric bombs (much like Quiz-nades). I would also like to point out that we havent seen anything close to a placeable turret or sentry gun in the game, that would be cool. Maybe Treyach could make a throwable mini-sentry
  3. I agree. Though two discs would be a major hassle for Treyarch, I would be more pleased to buy it than having one disc with MP and Z's with mixed DLCs
  4. A main part of the storyline is focus on the Vril's power source: souls. In Moon we need souls to fill up the MPD. In all of the Richtofen EE's in Black Ops 2 we gave power through dead zombies. In origins souls were need for the Fists of Fury and for parts of the EE. If we take the idea of Generators from Origins and combine it with the soul power source, it could make for an interesting map. (Though it would be annoying, impractical, and only worthwhile on an Agartha related map)
  5. If I may, I believe we are already seeing the start of the new story line. The Origins cutscene may have actually been a true happening after the events of Origins. More than likely the cutscene is a glimpse at the world that Sam has created for herself within Agartha, and she DOES want her characters to be real, even though she has forgotten that they once were. A new story idea would be to have Maxis or Sam recreate our heroes to fix a problem, or mend a time loop or some random task.
  6. Welcome to the forums ThePrawnier :)

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