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About Stronghold

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  1. I think rather that the history of mason and black ops are part of the universe zombie mode.
  2. C'est par rapport à la vie réel x) moi qui galerer à chercher les dates dans le jeux ! Merci
  3. Essayer Valve's Source Filmmaker instead of Garry's Mod. http://store.steampowered.com/app/1840 Garry's mod was never intented for this sort of stuff, Source Filmmaker is. This, for instance, was made with Source Filmmaker and Photoshop. Wow , it's Great! I will focus more.
  4. I've never been interested in garry's mod have can do things like that?
  5. If it's a fanart, I find it very well, it could be lots of history there on!
  6. In fact I noticed x), but I'm talking about the picture, what is it?
  7. what is this ? http://facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1255261
  8. Hi everyone I'd like to know why when starting shangri-la, Nikolai said "'I bear the same underwear for two years. And we must turn on the power!" two years since shi-no-numa or from its confinement in Siberia. may her could be giving us a date for his incacération and test Richtofen.
  9. I do not! they do full of map to repair the faults they commited
  10. Maybe, it depends when did the Americans were on the moon, if its 1960 Richtofens Followers (alive) are no longer on the moon for a long time.
  11. The origins map is not in the reality of other map, it has been confirmed by Treyarch : http://www.callofduty.com/blackops2/dlc/dlc4-apocalypse Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2 Apocalypse marks Treyarch and Activision’s fourth and final DLC map pack for Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2, capping-off the year with two all-new Multiplayer Maps, two re-imagined fan-favorite Multiplayer classics, and an alternate-reality Dieselpunk Zombies experience that transports players to the undead-infested trenches of a World War I battlefield.
  12. Could be but maybe as soon as they arrived they were killed and used to fill the MPD Not bad but killed by whom?
  13. Americans are necessarily going in the griffon station, the teleporter in the hangar 18 has used the cash to spend all workers and that can be seen in the map.
  14. The teleporters can also send people through time, Moon is believed to be in the 1960s, or at least when we play I am unsure about when it was first found. I do not think when we play moon, the date is in 1960 but in 2025, after I'm not here to debate on its: D have can not be sure?
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