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DougieBoy last won the day on September 9 2014

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About DougieBoy

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  1. merry christmas everyone!

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  2. DougieBoy


    Lightning Staff is also good, give that you charged it of course. I'd say that the effectiveness of it ends roughly around 45 though. And if anything, Wind is not effective other than halting zombies in their tracks. Very, very bad if you're caught in a crowded because there's no way you'll escape unlike with the Fire of Lightning staff uncharged. Yeah it is good but when you get higher than 40 it starts to become useless. I found wind and ice the only ones worth having by round 40-50
  3. DougieBoy


    Pretty sure its fire that is useful for the panzer. Wind and ice are the only ones that do anything past round 40-50
  4. Im too much of a team player sometimes always running across maps to save the guy whos been downed 14 times on round 10. Idk why though because i know there going to end quitting anyway lol. Wow 900 down after just going for a oil change tell them to get to and do you own oil change or befriend a mechanic
  5. Welcome to codz mate
  6. Everyone being able to get a staff was the best thing about this map so i hope the next zombies has some sort of buildable wonder weapons that everyone can get. Air strikes were a nice touch aswell
  7. You might have just ran out mines was there a couple of days ago
  8. Like someone said above me dam square would be amazing or maybe old army base or nuclear power plant
  9. Welcome to codz bro!
  10. Motd and origins beat any map on bo2 imo
  11. Cheers guys going to get moon asap. @ boring guy i never knew that they maps were on bo1 Will have to purchase them aswell thanks man.
  12. Mustang and sally and the thunder gun
  13. Thanks man was watching videos on youtube looks amazing! Sounds good ill give u a message when i have it
  14. Was prob going to buy it anyway just put off a bit by a few people on here saying its glitchy/not a great map ect. I have all dlc except moon and WaW. Thanks for the reply
  15. Hey guys, Ive been playing since WaW and have always loved a good game of zombies! I kinda had house trouble when shang ri la and moon came out so had no internet at the time so i was just wondering is moon worth a buy? For me it looks one of the best but ive read some bad reviews so here i am who better to ask than you guys? Cheers lads
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