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About GodOfWarrio

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  1. Personally I haven't seen any around here but I'm sure it's going on. It always is all over. Glad it's being adressed
  2. Not like the chat is very active anyway haha. But it is unfortunate. I'm one of the few regulars in there
  3. Alright i'll keep that in mind. And Doesn't matter. Whatever you deem fit. I don't really need the other one and I only posted 4 times on it anyway
  4. Got it back!
  5. So cool. I just saw it missed my chance to post. That's awesome man. I'd love to play it
  6. i feel you man. I thought about it a lot before joining too. You'll like it here
  7. Congrats guys. Tac def deserves mixmaster is a cool dude I don't really know the other guys to speak on them but I'm sure they deserve it as well/ Congratulations. I hope to one day be inducted as well but it's gonna be a few years at least.
  8. I've been trying to post a thread like this the past few days, just re-master the whole WAW game
  9. that's awesome. Welcome aboard man
  10. Hey man whats up? it's a good place. See you're a fellow PSN player. Not many of those around here. Feel free to add me. I have most the maps on BO2 but I usually play BO1 and WAW
  11. well that's generally what anyone does, but it is a survival/strategy game. So these are some very helpful tips at least.
  12. I can't tell. I always thought the MG42 but I've been starting to question it. The MG42 beats it in pretty much every category, reload speed, rate of fire, badass look. But which is actually the most powerful in zombies?
  13. you'll enjoy it here man. Welcome aboard
  14. A clash of clan type game. Where you can Be Samantha or Richtofen and build a zombie empire and infect/take over the world. Slowly taking over citys and towns. Raising the dead ect. Could be fun.
  15. Also the perks are located in cars left behind. It will cost 2500 points to open each car and check in the glove box for the drink. Perks will be random. So it's luck of the draw.
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