Simply Google "Perk-A-Cola" and you're bombarded with 1000s of results on how to create "real-life" perks to display on your shelf.
Pretty cool, but pretty annoying how they are all different. Even more so, I've yet to find a documented consensus on exactly what they should look like.
My own opinion is that despite how certain soft drinks (Jones Cola, Gatorade, etc.) resemble the perks from the game, who wants old sugar water sitting on their shelf?
In the game, each of them are colors, and these colors should be able to be reproduced simply with water and food coloring.
Question is, why not create an exact guide, with the exact measurements, water, and most importantly food coloring drops (10 red, 5 orange, etc.).
SO, let's open this for discussion. As random as it is, there are enough people looking for the answer, just Google it if you don't believe.
Again, the "challenge" is to actually solve the formulas. Posting "Duh, it's red" will just not work.
And if you're not interested, simply move on, no need to post here. For those of you who have seen them and would like your own set, let's figure this out.
How about these 12...........
Revive! Soda (Yes, it's blue, but can you recreate it with simply food coloring?)
Juggernaut Soda (Good that pink? Orange? Pinkrange?)
Double Tap Root Beer (Brownish red........go for it!)
Sleight of Hand Soda (Oh, that's green! Duh! But can you master it?)
Flopper PHD (Wow, that's red! many drops would it take, and is it just red??)
Stamin-Up Soda (Looks orange to me!)
Deadshot Daiquiri (Is that black or dark purple?)
Mule Kick (Another brown? Or is that tan? What do you mix to get that?)
Electric Cherry (That's easy! Or is it........)
Tombstone Soda (Ever seen a darker purple.......I bet it would be easy to make it too dark.)
Vulture Aid Elixir (Man, that is weird. Not even sure what to call that.)
Who's Who? When in Need (That's a pretty blue! I wonder how to make it?)
What do you think? Can they be recreated with simply food coloring and water? If so, how?