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About MrTEPDuck

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  1. Mocking, dude, this is a fantastic theory, I love it! I love the idea of it being in hell. I can't believe I never pieced it together like this before. Mind you, I feel ashamed to say that I'm not 100% up to date on all easter eggs and lore to do with Origins. I need to research/play it some more. ​Whether this has been debunked or not, I love this idea. It's clever! By the way, what hidden pictures and mound are you refering to? I'm not sure I know of/have seen these.
  2. 2- I am sooooooooooo glad to hear that. I was always getting told that everyone hated MOTD. In fact, most of my friends seem to. Maybe they just don't have taste, ha!​ 3, 4- I know Origins and following maps shared these qualities, I just mean Mob of the Dead played to ALL the things I wanted to see in future maps well. I did originally make the video where I used examples from Origins and Buried too but it came out at about 20 minutes long... So I sadly had to cut a lot! 5, 9- Granted but I felt, and I think it's fair to say we can agree, the Black Ops 2 maps did absolutely nothing for the story except make it a bit of a mess and a bore. Like, the whole long winded Richtofen/Maxis taking over arc didn't seem to go anywhere interesting IMO. I just felt that had all that stuff going on with the N4 been contained in one map, they as characters would have been more interesting. As for the Maxis/Richtofen story line... It kind of seems like the reason Origins was the following map, besides being a great send off map for Black Ops 2, was because there was no where left to go after Buried. Or at least, that's how I see it. I agree, one different character map per game is a nicer treat but I just felt it would make the return zombie storyline a bit more excitable if you've got to wait to resolve a cliffhanger. Like a mini wait between Treyarch games. I also thought it would have been nice to see what else is going on in the world besides the whole O4/Richtofen/Maxis saga. 6- True, Trazit was a mess, but I think that was mainly because the of all the fog, lava and Denizens between areas. Which was mainly about hiding most of the map so it didn't take up too much space what with it being last gen systems and all. ​I do agree with you partly, but I think that making an map-ending easter egg is actually more benificial to the storyline because for example: when the O4 gets to kino from der reise how did that happen? and if we had an ending then that ending could be the players overloading the the teleporter and then entering it and then the map ends... I think that would be much more pleasing and interresting for the players...I mean not everyone wants continiue forever?! ​Exactly! Everyone wants to end the game at some point and just downing yourself is such an anti-climatic way to go about it. I agree entirely that the Kino ending would've been superb! ​Oh no, I meant when you finish the Easter Egg you get the achievement plus rewards (perks, WWDG2, bonuses of whatever kind) and then have a final step, like MegaZron suggested, that advances the story and explains how one map leads into another or at least how that map's story ends.
  3. Oh, yes, granted, I agree - the quotes do give you the general idea of the previous games but even still it all seemed too much of a coincidence for those quotes to link together as well as they do, I though. Ah well, it's fun to speculate! And thank you! I was terrified I was going to just some newbie that no one pays attention to. So thank you for the warm introduction! ​True, but if you don't try you'll never know, ay? Besides, who doesn't love a good Treyarch challenge? Even if the odds will never be in your favour...
  4. Mob of the Dead was one of my absolute favourite maps from Black Ops 2. It was great! Everything about it was perfect! Here's a video I made, for anyone interested, where I talk about why were should have more Mob of the Dead-like maps in Black Ops 3.
  5. So, I was rewatching the Black Ops III teaser the other day when it suddenly hit me. All the quotes featured in said teaser seem to be quite coincidentally link. They all work together and seem as though these specific quotes were chosen on purpose. What if the quotes were chosen to hint towards something that will happen in the Black Ops III campaign? Treyarch are very good at hiding Easter Eggs and clues in plain sight, so could this be one of them? Perhaps I'm just clutching at straws here or shooting in the dark but it made an awful lot of sense to me. What do you guys think? I made a video (below) discussing the idea and what I think they mean. - Mr TEP Duck PLEASE NOTE: I didn't tag my video to plug it or my YouTube channel. It was merely because I know I won't be able to type it all out without screwing it up and/or making a mess of things.
  6. Welcome to the forums MrTEPDuck :)

    1. MrTEPDuck


      Thank you for the friendly welcome!! :)

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