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About Fred_The_Great

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  1. I think continuation of the story would be wonderful along with more concepts of surviving. In any future games I hope that they don't make everything build-able like in Mob of the Dead where you had to build almost everything to even think of any easter eggs or even getting Pack-a-Punch. I hope they will continue the story with all the original characters and the new ones.I hope you all agree on this and would like to see what other people put suggest!
  2. There has been a lot of speculations about whether or not zombies will continue on and eventually move to PS4/Xbox One. From what we know there has been confirmed fakes on Amazon and Gamestop about "Zombies Collection" which in sense is, from what I've heard, just all the zombies maps put into one game. I think this would be a game that a lot of people buy. Treyarch is bankrupt and if they can sum the money to make a version like this there profit would go through the roof giving them a lot more money to create future games. I personally hope that this will indeed happen seeing as though I've sold my PS3 for my PS4. World at War- Black Ops 2 zombies maps would be great as just one multiplayer game. Would the community be excited if this happened? Yes! Would the game be popular? Hell yea! If anyone wants to add anything to this please add anything that would lead to further information on any upcoming game leaks.
  3. Welcome to the forums Fred_The_Great :)

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