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Posts posted by markzwick99

  1. You do realize that Moon, Kino, and COTD were part of the main storyline and actually had more to do with the story then Die rise, buried and tranzit?

    I'm sorry I should have elaborated, I hated the BL2 story maps. Only maps I didn't like in BO1 were ascension, because the monkeys ruined it, and shangrila because it was just so annoying with too much going on. I understand your confusion, my bad.
  2. I started with Kino der Toten, so I'm not a hardcore Der Riese fan like World at War veterans, but I can say I hated all of the maps that had anything to do with the normal story. Could not stand Die Rise, Buried, or Tranzit. Loved Verruckt, Kino, COTD, Moon, MOTD, and Origins. Not sure where that puts me in the parties but if in real life, my guess would be moderate.

  3. "A radical says, "Let's change everything

    A liberal says, "That sounds like a good idea. Let's try it."

    A moderate says, "That might be a good idea, but let's examine it closely first to make sure it won't cause too many problems."

    A conservative says, "Let's not change anything."

    A reactionary says, "We've changed too many things already. We need to go get rid of some of these new things." "

    that's a very good assessment and very well thought out definitions. Based on that assessment I would say most people are moderate including myself. Good job!
  4. That's really interesting I never thought of it like that, I always thought mob of the dead as a separate dimension, with origins starting off the whole thing, because in the cut scene she says tomorrow it your turn. The end of black ops 1, when Richtofen gains control, is "tomorrow". Black ops 1 and origins has Samantha, then Black ops 2 is Richtofen's turn to control them, with Maxis tryig to take over, maybe thinking his daughter shouldn't be playing with this boy and trying to save her by taking over the game from Eddie. MOTD has no linkage into my theory, however, and my thoughts on that is that it is just a random DLC map within its own dimension controlled by Satan (three dog heads are Cerberus, 6 zombies to each = 666, different demonic announcer) and the inmates are trapped in an infinite loop constantly being revived until Weasel can get his revenge and the other three pay for their heinous crimes. What does everybody else think?

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