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Bauerklos last won the day on February 10 2015

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  1. ​This probably doesn't mean anything but doesn't Marlton mention "The Incident" in the Buried opening cutscene?
  2. Alright, so you know how when you're on the main menu of Black Ops, it shows options for Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies and Options? Everything is pretty normal in the context of the story-line for the game, but when you hit "Zombies", there's this really strange sound, and then all of the sudden the screen turns red. Now, this would be normal to me if it weren't for the TV screens. They show solders shooting at zombies, both Nazi and American, along with the Nova crawlers, and some footage of scientists running and soldiers around them. This is all from the campaign, to be exact, one of the missions with the Ascension group I believe. There is footage of a huey dropping bombs , and people throwing body bags onto what appears to be some sort of ship. Now, what if when we hit the option to go to the Zombies mode, Mason is somehow switching realities. What if tests were done to him in the Black Ops timeline (BO1 -> BO2) that somehow caused his being to switch into the time period in which the Pentagon is being overrun with Zombies, thus Hudson or Weaver suddenly banging on the interrogation room window screen? In this reality, the soldiers on the TV who would be Mason's team during the campaign in the Ascension group mission, aren't shooting Russians, but Zombies. Now, I can't explain the helicopter bombing stuff though, or how that plays in context with anything else as of right now. I might just be over thinking this, and it's probably just effect for the mood done by Treyarch, but I think it's an interesting topic.
  3. Hmm, maybe we should look at another thing, the sort of style of TranZit, if its a few decades after Earth got destroyed like Maxis says, then nothing really should have changed in the terms of furniture or style. One thing I'd like to point out is that the style of TV in TranZit and Die Rise is that of a bunny ear antenna sort or style, so if anyone can pinpoint when then the TVs were made maybe that could be something?
  4. Welp, I realized I never made an introduction last month so here it goes. I like music, specifically VGM from titles like SM64, Pokemon, etc. (a lot of Nintendo stuff), and I post it on YouTube but that's something totally unrelated, I've wandered here on this site for maybe 3 years but I never actually made an account until recently, because I didn't really have much to post, I was a learner but not a teacher, if you will. So I got back into actually playing Zombies, and realized that there were still questions that needed answers, with things like the comic book, *cough* Nacht der Untoten comic, I'm looking at you... >:/, and 3arc's CoD title approaching on the horizon later this year, so it's probably the perfect time to discuss with others. I'd also like to say thanks to all the existing members for being really damn cool. It's been a while since I've seen a forum where everyone is all chill and stuff. Bye bye!
  5. It sounds more like he is being interviewed about his inspirtation for the movie, while on set so possibly before everything went down. Heres an interesting question, when did the zombies wake up and start to attack, also why? Good point. Could it have to do with the O4 teleporting there? Perhaps she foresaw it and just started controlling the dead there even before they got to the outpost?
  6. Well here's some support for this theory (I guess?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qR2KtIzJF90 Notice how he's describing the events in past-tense.
  7. Yeah, I did realize that when he referred to screen, he didn't state it as being plural, afterwards. Good point. The remodeled WaW Classic Maps were in development at the same time as Kino for Black Ops, right? So the comic was made at the same time as, well, everything else. I guess it could mean something but no one has really explained why the comic appears on Nacht's loading screen.
  8. Well, the comic has stuff from a bunch of different time periods. You got '60s over there, '40s from over there and then the 2000s over there! That could be a possible theory, it being a franchise. Plus, the O4 are known to reference 3arc sometimes (Richtofen does on Kino der Toten), maybe it's just like Call of the Dead, a movie?
  9. Thanks for all the discussion guys. There's a lot of interesting stuff you guys have noted. @Slade I wouldn't be surprised if the manhua style pages theory was actually true. But that kind of begs the question, of, is how would a regular reader know about that without any indication of the book showing that. I mean, it's a comic book with practically no dialogue. Unless there's some indication from an "author" at the front of the comic explaining some stuff, it seems pretty odd if this is actually some random comic book someone is reading. @PINNAZ That's pretty interesting about the tiles relating to freemasonry. I'd say the comic is some sort of plan for world domination if I had any evidence. One thing I just came up with is that the tiles are apart of a chessboard. Maxis and Richtofen are going against each other so that's the only real evidence I have but it doesn't really tie in with the comic book. Maybe the comic is being written at the complete end of the story-line? Where everything is solved and completed? I dunno.
  10. Alright so while playing Kino as Richtofen I heard him say a very peculiar thing. This played after I turned on the power, I believe it's called "vox_plr_3_egg_room_screen_0". Here's the actual audio clip I found of this. http://youtu.be/MgL1EbLo8MQ?t=1m50s (If it doesn't load from that quote for whatever reason, just skip to 1 minute and 50 seconds). Now I find this a bit strange because although we don't see anything related to implanting any instructions in Kino der Toten, I remembered the Nacht der Untoten loading screen. Now, what do we see, particularly in the panel farthest down, right above "zzzzzzzzz!" To me, it looks just like what Richtofen said. Seats? It looks like the "people" (although they look like clones to me), are sitting down... screens? There are plenty of screens there. Implanting mindless instructions? Well it looks as if that's what is going on at the bottom panel, and at the third panel on the top horizontally, just directly below "....silence....", we see what I believe is the group of individuals carrying out whatever tasks they were programmed to do. Notice the V-neck garments they wear while walking down... somewhere as a single file line. It looks almost as if various patients were brainwashed into doing something? But by who, I really don't know because from what I can see this comic doesn't have anything to do with the map... yet? I mean, we already have people pointing out the similarities between the Crazy Place Portals and the teleporter-thingy that the dark figure is walking out of, which I will admit is a very uncanny resemblance. That topic, started by @PINNAZ can be found here: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/177051-crazy-place-portals-nacht-der-untoten-loading-screen/ What do you guys think? Just something I'm missing here or something more?
  11. super mutant ninja frog ballista jumbo jets with a bit of trumpet on top

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Sounds... (giggles) treba-ble!

      Get it! Because of the trumpet! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHI need to do something with my life....

    2. Bauerklos
  12. Alright, ya got me. But why would they not use the blueprint? Similar to my question of why they didn't use a comic page for Green Run.
  13. Hmm, that's true, but why focus on the cut-scene than the map for a comic that is supposed to be about the map like the others? Anyway, I didn't notice the 1915 on the blueprint. Thank you for pointing that out, I'll edit the post to add that detail. :3 Lemme try to figure out what the blueprint is.... alright, maybe it's going to be the loading screen for some sort of facility in the next game? Or maybe it's just a MotD style map, as MotD didn't have a comic. Or, we'll be doing a Blops 1 sort of thing with a new map, and then a secondary map like FIVE. Who knows. I just assume that the O3 (and Samantha) will return either after the events of Origins or after Moon, and we start from there. Well the blue print looks like some weird machine, I thought maybe its that 115 drill thing as we know that tech existed in at least 1918 due to the picture in Origins and the fact that theres a big old 935 stamp on it. Maybe more happened in 1915 than anyone remembers? Another reference to the early 1900s is on the MotD loading screen, saying Wall Street crashes with a date of 1917. Interesting...
  14. Hmm, that's true, but why focus on the cut-scene than the map for a comic that is supposed to be about the map like the others? Anyway, I didn't notice the 1915 on the blueprint. Thank you for pointing that out, I'll edit the post to add that detail. :3 Lemme try to figure out what the blueprint is.... alright, maybe it's going to be the loading screen for some sort of facility in the next game? Or maybe it's just a MotD style map, as MotD didn't have a comic. Or, we'll be doing a Blops 1 sort of thing with a new map, and then a secondary map like FIVE. Who knows. I just assume that the O3 (and Samantha) will return either after the events of Origins or after Moon, and we start from there.
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