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Spider last won the day on December 15 2020

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About Spider

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  1. I normally play til I get to rounds 30/40 on maps, very rarely do I continue after that.
  2. Back on Zombies on the PS4 :769:

    1. Kai


      Can you please help me when I try to upgrade the kt-4 on zetsobou no shima it won't let me I have tryed to many times I'm at the right table to 

  3. Zombies in Spaceland, Rave in the Redwoods and Shaolin Shuffle still to this day haven't played them and got the urge :769:

  4. a1ca8d9213324069a045e0d9d9a2585a.png


    Let's do this :769:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spider


      Yeah we can play, I haven't played that map for month so I might be rusty haha.

      Tomorrow night sounds like a plan if you're free.

    3. anonymous


      ARE YA READY TO RUMBLE! Tell me when you're ready

    4. anonymous


      I had to quit now. Perhaps try this weekend again

  5. RIP Zombies, I haven't played since Revelations was released and I tried to play The Giant today, Turned off after 10 mins I can safely say I have lost the love and motivation to play Zombies.

    1. anonymous


      Feel like playing some Verrückt? Like, right now? Perhaps you still like the old-school

    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      I feel you're pain bud, the love was lost around about ZNS release.

    3. itsOH


      I know where your coming from, something is just missing theses days


  6. Need to find the Zombies love again, last played back in Sept :769:

    1. anonymous


      Oh Spider, what is happening there? Perhaps I can help you this weekend with a game of Moon. Not sure, though, I gotta check if I have any time over then

    2. Lenne


      Tried playing BO III today, but it just is no fun. : /

    3. anonymous


      Tried some Ascension today, was fun. I'm totally into the Ascension EE hunt-posts on this site now. HITSAM and HYENA, the Sparky Deadmachine and the batteries

  7. Grabbed 7 Perkaholics from Newton's Cookbook, You never know once I stop playing STO, I might go back to Zombies if I can find the love again :769:

    1. anonymous


      Buy a DLC for BO1, and you may find it. Anyway, once you're back in zombies, we've still gotta play again

    2. Spider


      Got all the DLC for BO1, Just can't stand the thought of playing Zombies again at this moment in time, Revelations killed it for me :(

  8. Star Trek Online is taking up all my gaming time, I've forgotten all about Zombies :769:

    1. anonymous


      Do whatever you like to do. But there will be a time that it is Star Treks turn to be abandoned, and you'll come back at zombies

    2. Spider


      When are we gonna do this tourney?

    3. anonymous


      Unfortunately, I think we have to wait till next week Wednesday. At least for me that's the first day I can

  9. Call of Duty: World at War added to  Xbox One Backwards Compatibility List

  10. Call of Duty 3 added to Xbox One Backwards Compatibility List.

  11. Call Of Duty 2 Is Coming To Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Today

    1. AetherialVoices


      And still no Black Ops II... :cry48:

  12. On the grind to Zombies Prestige Master 200 :23:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spider


      I've went from 186 - 194 atm but this is the first time I've been on Zombies for a month.

    3. Boom115


      Is Prestige Master at level 10 or after you complete 10?

    4. Spider


      Prestige 10, Level 35 you automatically go into Master Prestige after hitting the 35 mark.

  13. Double XP for Zombies, busy weekend for me :23:

    1. Spider3000


      I wish they'd do Double XP for the launch day of new DLC instead.

    2. Spider


      That would be awesome.

    3. Boom115


      Awwwww snap! Need to grind out a few prestige levels

  14. I have BO3 on Xbox One PS4 Xbox 360 lol
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