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About ActionPacked

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  1. A.P. welcome to the forums bro. Hope you enjoy it here. Yes it's the same Ragdo11 from Black Ops II. Ahh the fun times we had!

    1. ActionPacked


      You down for The Giant sometime tonight? I have one other guy who is pretty good apparently.

    2. Ragdo11706


      Still waiting on the internet where I'm at now broski.

  2. snapchat stories are timed and show a collage of the images available in the story that's all it is Darn, thought I was on to something. Thanks for the clarification!
  3. Expanding on what MixMasterNut said earlier... The icon for Dr. Salim (callofduty) snapchat changes every time a new teaser is released. I've been watching it and this seems to be a fact. If anyone can provide other pics that would be appreciated. IT SEEMS TO BE A COUNTDOWN!! The white space, pie slice looking shape, is disappearing with every new teaser. The colored area is replaced with an image from the latest teaser. Could the next one be a trailer of something BIG?! Maybe we are just very close to something huge... Thoughts? http://gyazo.com/4d9ede411f4fbd9f5f5158bf276ef286(MOD please help with image embed)
  4. Yeah! I didn't realize it could be doing that. Good find!
  5. Anyone have evidence of these "missing characters" in Black Ops 2 MP? I'm talking about letters and numbers btw. It seems Twitter is going crazy about it, CharlieIntel posted about it, and Tmart posted a video about. However I didn't notice proof anywhere from any of these sources. Am I missing something or are people just spreading misinformation again?
  6. Hey guys, my name is Matt or ActionPacked. Some of you may know me from my Call of Duty Zombies YouTube Channel or maybe not. Either way I am on CoDz now! I've been a long time fan of the site and can't wait to meet fellow members. You guys will probably find me in the "Find A Player" section more than any other section to be honest. But anyways, glad to be on CoDz again and see you soon!
  7. Welcome to the forums ActionPacked :)

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