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NaBrZHunter last won the day on January 10 2021

NaBrZHunter had the most liked content!


597 Classic


About NaBrZHunter

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  2. Imma give props to you for reading classic posts, my dude! There are a lot of old goodies out here - don’t worry about the date on the post. Many are still totally relevant. Welcome to CODZ, CODZER!
  3. Before the release of Chronicles, Moon was the greatest map of all time. Now...Moon is the greatest map ever. Ever.

    1. Lenne


      I dunno about that. ;p

    2. NaBrZHunter


      Shall we settle this like gentlemen?

  4. So: full eclipse coming to the USA. Who's watching? Anyone in the path of totality? Post pics!

    1. anonymous


      Not only in the American continent, my friend. Apparently we've got a so-called "sunset eclipse" here, so for those living at flat areas with a lot of fields or live near the sea, be aware. Only time travel will tell if it'll look truly as beautiful as Google pictures shows.


      Oh, and be wary of falling 115 meteorites. They seem to come along with eclipses sometimes...

    2. NaBrZHunter


      Haha! Roger that!

  5. Saltgrass? Say howdy!

  6. 69342335136769342370892424899069/II


    1. anonymous


      Why so mysterious, my friend?

  7. Today is another day where I come back, look around and wish there were two of me. One which would live here.

    1. InfestLithium


      Y'know, there's a cozy little spot of green robes waiting for ya...I promise not to give you such a big workload like last time. :p

    2. anonymous


      Try to duplicate yourself with a Matter Transference Device. Maybe the Ununpentium will demount the ions you are built of, transport them though the Fourth Dimension and appear them on the linking pad, while the electromagnetic......wait. This is getting too complex for me

  8. New spoiler containing answers added to the Metazombiologist thread. Study up! 


  9. What did BO3 & Blundell do to this site...my home? My heart is broken. Such a great story forever lost.

    1. InfestLithium


      He hit it with a metaphorical hammer.

    2. anonymous


      We will uncover the truth behind the story and fix it. Once we found the missing pieces, the story will become good again. We will make CoDZ great again! It will become a hard task, but once we find the truth, we will notice that it was in front of our eyes the whole time... Never give up.

  10. I just want to take this moment to give thanks for the fact that the expected "Egypt" map never came to fruition. w00t!

  11. Earned 300 Cryptokeys to trade for Liquid Divinium this week. How about y'all?

  12. And now I love the Argus - the Apothicon's Bane! One-shot the bastards.

    1. Boom115


      Whaa Brecci bruh 

    2. NaBrZHunter


      Haha! I just cannot enjoy that gun. 

  13. We see you, Dalek. ;) Be nice.

  14. So...who went dark? Anyone?

    1. Spider3000


      Besides seeing a couple seconds of footage, I went in not knowing how to do anything,

  15. Hey bro, we need to play soon.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guitarmanx7x


      I have my own youtube channel and I have it on PS4, so im going to be on the map when it comes out. If you want I could do things for you on the map since you are going dark. I could do a review or HOW TO's videos. I would like to get more into the website and things that you do for zombies.

    3. NaBrZHunter


      Hey, that could be uber helpful. Lemme talk to the staff and see what they might like to do.

    4. Guitarmanx7x


      thanks brother

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