@anonymous I just listened to the video by JFK Gamer, and I'm afraid it is far out there. Looks like I need to buckle down and make a full storyline. Recently, I've been working with Tac and MrRoflWaffles on such a project and Waffles has begun what will no doubt be the greatest and most accurate series to date. I don't know how long it will take him to finish, however.
Also...I will be investigating further, but it seems that something really fishy happened in making this video. You'll notice that in my latest video, I quoted from a storyline document created by Reddit user /r/beater613, and not only is it flawed, but it is IDENTICAL to the script for JFK's video. Either /r/beater613 scripted the whole video, JFK Gamer worked with him to write it, or JFK Gamer stole the storyline write up and used it to script his storyline video, something several YouTubers, including MrDalekJD are notorious for doing. Check out beater613's storyline:
@funkydisciple the link I gave you is the best place on the Internet to learn it, actually. Just listening to each radio in order will set you on the path to a solid understanding of the story.
But after this discussion, it is growing more apparent that I need to sit down and work on a storyline video, myself. The people who have tried so far have not done enough research, clearly don't have a strong research and support team, and can't seem to resist the urge to mingle their own speculation with fact, muddying the waters from new members.
Just for starters, the Zombies storyline has no canon ties to Atlantis, and that is where JFK opened his video.