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Posts posted by NaBrZHunter

  1. Just now, Hells Warrrior said:

    As much as I want something to exist, I'm now 95% convinced that nothing actually does exist. Lets put it another way, it may have brought fame or infamy too two gamers but it has sparked discussion within the community. I enjoy the debunking and investigating it gets people looking harder at things. 


    However, I did crack it last night - I now know the steps.





























    On how not to crack a vase.

    Hahahaha! You had me for a split second. The spacing worked too well on mobile. LOL!


    Agreed on the investigation...I just wish things like this wouldn't end up serving the manipulaters. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, AntBirch90 said:

    I did the east egg at round 18 I think, will have to check out Theatre mode. Fingers crossed someone finds a relevant step in the Giant east egg, although now we know the clock is an interactive item that should speed things up?

    No. Like @MrRoflWaffles pointed out on Twitter, clock are scripted objects. All scripted objects moved. It had nothing to do with any. EE

  3. I wish there was a YouTuber who would take a civil and factual approach to this and expose these guys. They don't deserve the fame or publicity. And now watching Iowa throw a big ol pity party because of all the criticism now that it's too late to admit it was a hoax is pathetic. Now he's just trying to cover with 'it's not worth all the hate.'

    Right...when maybe you could just collab with MadGaz and prove us ALL WRONG....but no. Because it's not real. 

  4. So, there is a new super crappy pic out....





    But I am not sold. It is always inconclusive, and thanks to the Reddit post, these claims are losing more and more reliability. I have a few thoughts below...




    1) MG never questioned IG. In fact, he stepped right up and took credit for what MG was blatantly trying to pass off as his own discovery just short of saying so.


    2) He made a vague video supporting it, using theatre mode, which makes cause and effect research easy, yet he didn't think to rewind (or deliberately breezed over this option) to the moment before it turned red, and followed the players to see what they did moments before?


    3) While I dunno how he's changing the red to a yellow hue, I do know how I could using CyberLink PowerDirector, my personal editor.


    4) IG's pic was clearly green, and a still shot. Editing a video is tougher, but doable. The flaw? The difference in the colors that we all noticed.


    5) Despite his hard work to mask it, the reddish hue on the extremities of the yellow splash is still visible in his video. 6) Who noticed how many videos MG cranked out today at the height of his 15 minutes? Two of them being 90% and 100% unrelated to what WOULD HAVE BEEN a HUGELY sensational discovery.



  5. 36 minutes ago, dinasur21 said:

    Hello fellow zombie slayers, I'm dinasur. I have been using this site since black ops 1 and I used to be a member. I'm back now and playing black ops 3 and I'm looking for teammates who love zombies as much as me. My gamer tag is Dinasur and I'm on Xbox one. I still have my 360 and I own all of the Treyarch versions of call of duty and have all the old map packs. Anyways it your ever looking for a teammate for high rounds, ee, or just general mayhap message me on here or Xbox and we can team up.  I'm in the eastern time zone and usually get on after 5pm but I'll be on all day today.

    Welcome back! Since you've been gone, we invested in the new CoDZ LFG-it's in the tabs above. Check it out!

  6. On 7/29/2015, 10:53:40, Mestyyy said:

    Sorry I'm new here and I am having a hard time finding the entire, true story behind the zombies story line. I watched a 4 hour video on YouTube about it and got rather confused. Was wondering if there is a thread with the accurate story to the zombies universe.

    Best place to start, my friend, is here, and in the games themselves. Explore; find the radios and do the EE. Of course, there are several of us out here that are dedicated the TRUTH about zombies in some of our forums of communication, for instance, our archiver @PINNAZ's Zombies library, where he has compiled a massive amount of pure info known as "canon," AKA, undeniable facts. https://www.youtube.com/user/ZombiesLibrary Listening to those will really help. Also, talking to folks out here. This community is extremely well versed in the chronology and events of the story.


    However, no one has conclusively figgered out the story as of yet. So beware any YouTube videos claiming to be the "Official" or "Complete" zombies stories. They should really add a disclaimer that much of it is their speculation.

  7. 4 hours ago, Tac said:

    I'll be forthcoming when I say I'm not a very good Zombies player ( @BlindBusDrivr and @NaBrZHunter can attest), so this map is difficult for me in general.  Now, I'm a guy who doesn't mind running tighter trains and getting swiped a few times, so the narrow corridors aren't something that bother me.  However, the amount you get slowed down from being hit is immense and how quickly even one zombie can land three hits is incredible.  I won't go as far as to say it's worse than it is good, but it certainly adds a much higher level of frustration to my play.  Maybe I'll just stick to theorizing :p

    Naw, bro. The changes made took even talented vets by surprised. Just work at it-trains are our friend more than ever now. Like with the previous three games, we'll just have to adapt to the change in feel. 


    In regards to coop 4-player gives everyone a role, and doesn't rob from two of them if two others decide to be domineering and competitive about the steps. Now if they used a player-number based mechanic for that as well, where the EE required steps be completed by specific individuals if they are in the game, that could remedy the issue. 

    However, I still believe the solo reward should not be the complete coop reward. Use CotD as a model. Gotta love those EEs. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Plus said:

    Im still curious as to what would've happened in Shadoes had Richtofen not intervened

    Gotta say...I'm not really. It's about on the level of wondering what really happened to the N4. It might be interesting to note, but in the end, I think, inconsequential. 

  9. I have to sway back towards the Agarthan/Vril connection to the Keepers and Templars. While I agreed with Nightmare that the description in The Coming Race hardly matched the Keepers, I must say that the Keepers may be creepy, but one cannot say that they do not look like angels (a comparison that has been made a LOT). If you have ever read Scripture, particularly the book of the Revelation, there are many descriptions of frightening angelic beings-some evil and some not. Intimidating appearance does not always indicate evil. The Keepers-especially the armored, black-cloaked one in the cutscene-do have an angelic vibe, especially when using their swords.

    Personally, I would be more surprised to see a glorious character as described in The Coming Race appear in zombies, than I would to see a more sinister, dark, but dignified depiction like the Keepers. There are a lotta depictions of the Vril-Ya out there-Treyarch is entitled to their own as well 


    TBH...they are about the only extra-terrestrial (taken literally-not stereotypically) beings that I actually appreciate in SoE. They're downright badass. I was thrilled to discover they were on our side. However, I hope I never see another tentacle, oversized bug, or rolling mass of burning meat in a CoDZ installment. Really dumb and cheezy, IMO (would feel the same about any more seeming association to Lovecraft.) Humanoid and intelligent, however? I might could tolerate that.


    Then again, maybe it isn't necessarily the Vril, like @PINNAZ implies? Regardless, they are ancients of some sort, seemingly elite, and undeniably wearing the Black Sun, indicating a strong central connection to the classic storyline.

  10. 2 hours ago, The Clay Bird said:

    Not even necessarily that simple, just something along the lines of Moon.   Moon was almost perfect, in that you could play the map effectively even if you didn't know the Easter egg existed!  Yet, the easter egg was complex and difficult enough to be rewarding and the reward significantly increased your power as well.   My only gripe was the "teamwork needed to go to pack-a-punch"  part of playing co-op, but that is the formula they need to get back to to make another universally loved map.

    This is so true. I miss those maps. Those were the kinds that gave birth to this community! Everything wasn't a dead giveaway that there was a quest on the map. If you wanted it, you found it. If you didn't, it didn't matter one way or the other. If you didn't know it was there, who cares? You could still have fun. THAT is what I LOVE about The Giant.

  11. 8 hours ago, Amantha77 said:

    One can have dreams can't they :( Please. Altho you are right

    I'm entirely with you. Personally, I wish they hadn't gone all politically correct, but if they must...at least have a damn good excuse for it. We around here are way too into little details to let something like that fly and be cool. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Hells Warrrior said:

    Yes, they have now returned.


    It's something being reviewed all the time.


    Not at the moment but we'll see what we can do, it may require further custom work, the current filter is the integration of the core framework - we'll see what we can do.

    Way cool. And as always, thanks for y'all's hard work. 

  13. No pressure, I know y'all have been busy with the site; but will the Edit and Delete options for the LGF entries be returning?


    Also, with the sheer number of groups being submitted, I would recommend reducing auto deletion time to 7 days (I believe it was 10? I may be wrong) to reduce the chance of stagnant/expired requests. Just a suggestion. 


    One more thing: filters currently cannot be combined. So if I'm looking for "Xbox One" "The Giant" "Easter Egg" groups, I have to select one of the above. 

    If that's not doable, it's no biggie, especially while the LFG is just getting going. 

  14. I'm not a mod-just saying this as a friendly suggestion, if you start a thread, maybe open with a breakdown of your thoughts on the subject, and present some ideas. Gets people thinking and kinda opens the door for more in-depth discussion! :)


    As far as the crying, it is historically considered to be Samantha, due to her sad story in general, and the fact that she does seem to haunt the map-the furnace room, especially. But heck, I've been thinking about Maxis' secretary, Sophia, lately. Who knows...maybe it isn't Sam. 

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