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About T-Rex

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  1. I does suck in BO3
  2. Nothing to do with easter egg as we know. Just something to stress you out :)
  3. What about Brutus from MOTD? I know his voice is different, but in MOTD he was always filled with so much rage it was hard to understand him. Maybe this is a calmed down version of him?
  4. - I think we all know that the WAW zombie maps went in this sequence; Nacht Der Untoten, Verrukt, Shi No Numa, and then Der Riese. - WAW zombies DID NOT have four map packs, as it is believed that kinoder toten was supposed to be Map Pack 4, but was put into BO1 instead along with five, being the only reason we have two maps. - On the Kino Der Toten loading screen, if you read the panels as they are supposed to be read in a comic book (the correct order) , the first panel is Nacht Der Untoten, which makes since being first because it was the first map. Now we have a panel picture of Verrukt, and you can tell it is Verrukt because of the look of the building and the infamous fountain. Then we have a controversal picture of Shi No Numa. The guy shooting the zombies in this picture is PETER McCAIN NOT TANK DEMPSEY. Peter McCain is the man hanging in the spawn of Shi No Numa. In the next panel, following the sequence, is a teleporter believed to be Der Riese. - The controversy starts here because people believe that this teleporter isn't necessarily a Der Riese teleporter. Logically, by following the sequence of maps, Der Riese should be next. It also matches the storyline because the teleporters at Der Riese were testing teleporters, meaning they weren't proven to JUST teleport quite yet. The characters stepped into the teleporter, and time traveled by accident. They ended up a an abandoned Nazi theatre, being Kino Der Toten. - Now, I have a question to propose. In the ending cutscene of Origins, there is a Napalm poster in Samanthas bedroom. Napalm was not used in the times of WWI or WWII. So, is zombies really a game we play being controlled by Samanthas hands as toys? Is she writing the comic books for fun?
  5. T-Rex

    I am T-Rex

    Hello! My forum name is T-Rex, in case you didn't know. I love playing zombies, weither its high round attempts, having fun, exploring new maps, etc. Unfortunately, I recently bought an xbox one because I thought BO3 dlcs would be early for that system again. Lol. PS3- t-rex_dinosaur Xbox one- T Rex Spicy
  6. The blank or "mystery" portrait can be a couple of things: - It could be of Dr.Maxis, but because Richtofen did not like him, he could have blackened out his picture. - The one I think it is, is that it represents YOU, or whoever is playing. Its a blank portrait because in a way the player is a part of the crew, because they control them. - It could just be there for decoration, or Treyarch could be trolling us by putting it there to make people talk about it.
  7. Welcome to the forums T-Rex :)

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