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Everything posted by steviewonder87

  1. What's more annoying (now that DUKIP has proved just how easy it would be to add something like this) is why Treyarch themselves didn't add more little things like this in the first place. I think most agree that despite it being a troll, things like this would be a pretty cool little addition if they were actually legit. It would take them 2 seconds to script a few little EE's around the place and add them as a hotfix patch or something. Then maybe we wouldn't get these 'trolls'.
  2. Coming from someone who is a part of the custom scene and aware of how modding works, even you must admit that if this was a troll it would require some serious skill and talent to pull it off. Especially as BO2 is not moddable in this way. It is by far the best troll I have ever seen in my whole time troll busting in this community. I have seen some amazing work and been able to find faults in them but this just looks incredible. Kudos to the guy either way. Seems weird to go to such effort just for a troll though. Like I said I think it's legit. If it's not he did a great job - the fire fx thing would have been pretty hard to make so props either way. If I was going to put this much effort into trolling people I would have made the steps a lot harder lol. 'Get 1000 denizen kills then run the entire length of Tranzit 8 times. Then get 500 kills with the jetgun and kill the avagadro with your normal knife 16 times, etc.' Not just, get the Hades, shoot the fire, throw a monkey. I mean that's pretty easy to do, hardly a troll at all. So I think it's legit and if people have tried and failed maybe there's more to it that he hasn't realised/forgot about. But at the end of the day it's just a max ammo so I'm not getting too excited lol.
  3. If it was a troll surely he would have made the steps harder? This is too easy to replicate and debunk. And the video looks pretty damn legit to me. I mean it's cool that there's still stuff we haven't found I suppose, but I'm not suddenly going to start running around Tranzit again because someone found a free max ammo lol.
  4. Theater may be limited on consoles, on PC it's easy to no-clip through the entire map. Regarding the code, it actually is that easy. You can view all the EE steps, what happens when the players trigger stuff and how that changes stuff in-game all from the code. Like I said, all you need is basic programming knowledge so that you know what to look for and what you're looking at. Take for instance the fountain setup from Buried. Just by looking at the code you can quickly rule out any "extra or hidden easter egg steps". Pretty much the only thing you can use Radiant for is looking for hidden stuff that's outside of the map and that's not being controlled by any code. And even then it's as useful as going in Theater on PC and looking around since Radiant gives zero information on the functions of the objects in the map. ​ Yeah, having spoken to a few people from the custom scene they agreed with you that scripting can show plenty in relation to steps but they don't necessarily always show a clear picture but they did indeed agree with you that the scripts can show a lot. It should also be noted that they also agreed with you that any steps still to be found within Tranzit would have shown up within the scripting so they also ruled out any possible continuation and stated that even if they tried to hide the steps away from prying eyes, they would still need to be logged within the scripts so it's a non starter. As for the no clipping on PC. I have been told there is methods in which it can be done but not through the console or any kind of trainer, so again, apologies for getting that one wrong. Surprised there is not many videos out there showing proper no clipping off maps then!? ​I've seen a no-clipped Origins video, and Tranzit I think. I'm not 100% sure (but 90%) that you can't transport players to an entirely new map via script, any 'hidden' areas would be accessible with no-clip - they usually just put them somewhere really far away (like Area 51 on Moon) or under the 'main' map or something like that. And people are still looking for stuff in Tranzit midway through 2015? Lol. Ironically Treyarch probably did the best thing possible by not adding anything extra in that case, if they had actually added something people would have probably found it a month or so after it came out, instead they still have people pondering over it years later because some people still refuse to believe the map was that underwhelming.
  5. I would recommend going to UGX mods site and asking your questions there, this site is more interested in map concepts and Treyarch storylines than custom maps and you'd be much more likely to get what you seek on the aforementioned site - which is dedicated to custom map making.
  6. Wow, that was disappointingly easy. Does 514 mean anything to us? just noticed I was supposed to say 5 10 4 my bad ​Well, in fact it is the number 54. That's how their numeric system works. And if you wondered what that Chinese number 54 in the Black Ops 3 Teaser trailer could mean : No death ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numbers_in_Chinese_culture#Five_2 ​Interesting theory, but aren't the numbers Japanese not Chinese...?
  7. The combo pack is real http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00V84Q1QE/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00V84Q1QE&linkCode=as2&tag=jkfty-20&linkId=K4RUZNQ7R77UXPYH Which looks to me like a 'bundle' of BO1/BO2 (+ DLC 1 for BO1, which would be Ascension only lol) for PS3 and 360, which is lame in the extreme if so. It's the 'Black Ops 3' part that looks fake...
  8. Full Mod tools won't ever be released again IMO, and they are missing a major trick there, I won't go into it because that would be a whole new topic Half of the features you mentioned (zombie counters, 2nd PAP, despawning, buildables, solo EEs) are also already in a lot of custom maps. And if you would like to try some new gamemodes try out Project Viking, that has a bunch of new custom gametypes
  9. This guy is working on something along these lines, maybe you can share your ideas with him. http://ugx-mods.com/forum/index.php?topic=5966.0
  10. I know they used to (probably still do) actively hire from within the modding community, without prior professional experience. Since they can see your work and that you are comfortable with Radiant already. It even says on the job application something like 'and you will REALLY get our attention if you are familiar with Radiant'. Of course I'm just talking about level design work, nothing else.
  11. Number 8 is a great idea, maybe some artwork and developer stuff could be thrown in also. And number 2 was a joke on BO2, having to setup 2 controllers each and backout just before the match started and hoping no randoms would join at the last minute just to play 2 player with a friend on the leaderboards was ridiculous to say the least...
  12. They always need someone to make the coffee, so yeh why not?
  13. Thanks for answering the questions Honestly I don't play Zombies anymore. Just don't have a spark right now (don't have AW) for it. And I'm at a time in my life where I need to seriously focus on it, so Zombies is on the back burner for that. Even don't really get on here much anymore. Just check occasionally for news and the community. But eventually the spark will return, and when it does I would like to consider doing customs and stuff haha. I think the reason people see it as harder is not due to the game, but it's kinda new territory if they are a console gamer. First they may not know if they can even run it, whether or not they have to use a mouse, and it could be something as simple of not wanting to rebuy a game they have. That's what I think may be the problem anyway. You can get WAW for about 5 dollars, and let me assure you the console version and PC version of it are 2 entirely different things, I could understand not wanting to shell out for BO2 on PC if you had it on console, but this is not at all the same. And you can plug in your Xbox/PS3 controller and play with that, in fact most people I know play like that actually. It's ridiculously easy tbh, maybe one of the mods should make a little tutorial with some FAQ on how to install and play custom maps on WAW if people are so tentative about it. I do understand though, that 5 dollars you might spend on WAW for PC for access to 1000's of completely new zombie maps is a big commitment to some people, I mean it could be spent on something much better, like a burger or something
  14. I didn't mean in regards to their roles in everyday society, I'm specifically talking about killing them (that sounds so wrong lol). Even the worst fuckers in the world ISIS don't let women fight, but they don't mind sticking an AK in a 5 year old's hands...but I digress. And I agree, shooting an innocent dog or child for example sleeping, would be highly disturbing in a video game - much like the MW2 mission 'No Russian' where you are able to (I never did) shoot crowds of defenseless people, but IMO if whatever it is is trying to rip your face off and eat your brains, and isn't even technically alive or human anymore, is fairgame to me, others may disagree Would this extend to old people too, most people find crimes against the elderly to be more heinous than against healthy young people, would you object to having pensioner zombies too by that logic? And would people really find eliminating zombie children with say the Sliquifier or Thundergun that bad? One just makes then into purple goo and the other just blows them away, like I said, it's hardly the most realistic gamemode.
  15. Funnily enough I thought about this for a custom map before I saw this topic, mainly for the reason above, it would make training a horde and aiming for group headshots harder with both small and large targets, also there's something creepy IMO about zombie children; demonic children in horror scenarios is hardly a new thing though (granted shooting endless hordes of zombie children might be seen as 'distasteful' by some people) but if it makes you feel better you can always imagine they are zombie dwarves, not sure if that would be more PC or less PC actually And there were female zombies in BO2, and I didn't see anyone go easy on those, is it really that much different to have zombie children? It's not like I have any deep moral feelings when I play zombies - it's not the most realistic game mode - I just shoot whatever appears; dogs, monkeys, film directors, etc. I could imagine shooting zombie dogs would offend some people too, but just because I want a max ammo doesn't mean I don't love dogs in real life lol
  16. No there isn't. I'm playing the map right now & trust me there's not. Horde the 4 up & no more spawn in. Don't kill any. So what? This theory has been debunked already, there are more than 4 for certain in co-op. End of story, let it go lol.
  17. Well I speak to a Treyarch mapper sometimes and I know they've been hiring for a while, but for a start I'm not good enough (Radimax is though), second he said they much preferred US residents for Visa reasons, third I heard they don't actually pay that well...not that I'd mind too much if I was mapping for a living.
  18. If you have time to play BO2/AW zombies, and post on here, why can't you find time to play a few games on WAW? Don't take that the wrong way, genuine question. I'm just curious why people seem to have the impression playing WAW is somehow more difficult to get into than any other game. You can download on Steam or buy a disc version, or you can do what I did which is buy a CD Key online and use a no CD crack and done (totally legal btw, nothing dodgy lol). Setting up custom maps is LITERALLY about 5 mouse clicks. Download map link. Open WAW. Click Mods. Click on map name. Click Start. Making maps is a bit more complex, best to look up some tutorials if you are really serious about it, it's not something you should go into lightly though, it takes a LOT of patience to really get to grips with it. And lastly, and sadly, no, you can't map on BO1/2, you can mod BO1 kinda (basically just port guns over) and BO2 you can only really hack/mod. Activision decided to deprive us of mod tools since WAW (hence why we still use it) likely because they are scared of what we might achieve with newer, better tools, bearing in mind what we have done with WAW.
  19. when it finally releases You just got Leviathan, don't be greedy
  20. Exactly. Treyarch maps (which we pay for remember) are hardly bug free, last I checked they still haven't even fixed the BS death barriers in Die Rise on the slides...not that I play that crappy map anymore. And don't tell me people played Tranzit and didn't think to themselves, 'I woulda changed this' or 'I woulda removed this bit/expanded here/redone the whole map'...
  21. I think that's a good point actually. Many people who watch custom zombie maps on Youtube don't even know which game it's on half the time, or ask idiotic questions like 'Can I download this on Xbox?' They just watch these guys play the maps and don't even consider how insanely easy it is to play them themselves. Like Chopper said, everyone has a PC of some kind, and WAW is like 5 bucks, that's literally all you need, fuck, you can even plug in your Xbox/PS3 controller and play with that. And I think the deluge of dog shit box maps that people see might have polluted their view of just how good custom maps can be, I urge people to look at a map like Leviathan, it's not just on par with some of the official maps, it's fucking BETTER! And the beauty of it is exactly what you said about looking at a map and thinking 'I could do this better' or 'I woulda done that differently' - well you can! Download the FREE mod tools and do it yourself.
  22. There's a perk like that Bamskater made called 'Porter's Punch' where if you go prone for a few seconds you get teleported randomly, I wasn't really a huge fan of it though lol.
  23. The stock quotes are in some odd format which utilizes hardly any space, adding your own quotes (even overwriting the old ones) would take up much more room, it's fine in a test map with nothing else in it, of course it is, but putting them in an actually good map you'd have to sacrifice other features just to squeeze them in. If you guys think that's worth it then you'd have to convince the mapper of that, I don't even have any clue what you'd be wanting them to say lol? A few quotes would be reasonable though, but again this would be a really minor aspect of the map, surely there are way more important things to be addressing first? Like where the map is actually gonna take place for a start?
  24. New perks can be added for sure, the difficulty varies depending on what you want the perk to do of course, but near enough anything in BO1/2 perk wise is fairly easily recreated in WAW (not saying you need to copy the BO2 perks, just giving you an idea of what is possible), however making entirely new machines/jingles/shaders, etc. is more complex than the actual scripting element, although not impossible by any means. A hell of a lot is possible in custom maps in WAW, but there are limits. Namely there is a memory limit (which I have struggled with in Oil Rig for a long time) which basically is everything that's included in the map. Things like tons of 'custom' player quotes would contribute heavily to this, and personally I'd rather have more weapons, features, perks, etc. in the map than a few poorly done 'custom' quotes of some teenager doing his best Richtofen impression lol. It all depends on what you think is most important in a map, personally the theme, location, style, features, etc. are more important to me than a few humorous player responses every now and again that you inevitably get sick of after a few games (especially amateur ones ). You may disagree, and that's fine, but if this project is to actually see the light of day and become something actually playable - as opposed to just being left to rot as words on a forum - there WILL be compromises on both sides I assure you. Remember whoever takes on this project has to be convinced by you guys that this is something worth spending their time on (and making a quality map takes a fucking long time I can guarantee you that much), they would be doing this for free and for no real benefit other than making a great map, and so far I've not really seen much that would persuade me to do this rather than say, my own map idea, just some random vague ideas about 'new character quotes' and not much else. Prove me wrong here. Character models are easy enough to change (I have the Origins ones in my map), but creating an entirely new set of players? Really, that's just not gonna happen. And I did 'make' the Ammomatic machine, but if you hadn't noticed it's just the staminup machine retextured by myself using the original texture left over in WAW as a basis, I made the shader and added the original player quotes (also unused in WAW) too. If you're wondering what it does (this one doesn't fucntion the same as the one in Warehouse) it basically regens ammo based on kills, but it's more complicated than that. Original - http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Amm-O-Matic?file=Amm-o-matic.jpg Mine -
  25. Ok I have a solution. We will make 2 versions of the map. One will be the true map for the story and innovation. The other will be a watered down version with the O4 default models for the characters. The real version will be left on the table for someone who has the will to achieve greatness. The other version will be called the Lite version and will be th one we present to the map makers. It will have none of the story or the characters or the new song or the Story Easter egg but it will have a new Easter egg for the sake of not leaving this map without some sort of Easter egg or reward. We can probably come up with something. We could probably use the Origins models which while kind of meh would at least give the map something different to look at. We will of course have to water down the wonder weapon but the original will still b completed and released as a post in all it's glory. He who map te original map will achieve so much glory that UGX mods will look like a child's work. It would be a version that is easier for Mappers to create and they won't have to strain themselves too hard. Good luck making the 'true' version with the innovative features and amazing storyline and player quotes then...and good luck finding a mapper for the 'lite' version
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