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Giga IV

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Everything posted by Giga IV

  1. its pretty certain that the next iteration of zombies will have a ranking system of some kind, but shouldnt our ranks reflect what type of player we are? maybe through emblems? heres my general idea. - a medic emblem for players that revive often or even buy quick revive in mp consistently. syringe maybe? - a general team player emblem, this would be for players who buy tons of doors, build things or complete EEs. -high rounder emblems 40+=shotguns, 50+= dual rayguns, 60+=theb wonder weapon from that specific map. -emblems for headshots/accuracy. crosshairs or what not. -strategist embems, there would be 2 types, camper or runner - emblem for players that stay in game for long periods, [like blue eyes but game to game based] - a high kd emblem, i guess this would couple with the high rounder example somehow? just for fun lets add some "shame emblems" - my favorite THE QUITTER, not sure what the emblem would be but it would be funny -the cheater. not sure how this would work but i guess it could be similar to the "dunce cap" from gta online. the reason i propose this is because a system like this would add to the game giving us somthing to work for without comprimising gameplay, furthermore we would also be able to find reliable players alot easier, if you see a quitter, or an emblem that tells yout that the player is not coop freindly find a new game. sure there would be screw ups, [like having so many downs/whatever that you cant rank up] maybe a reset stats feature? this would be allowed every month or so. anyway thanks for reading this shamelessly long first post of mine, and feel free to add to/criticize/flame me
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