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Spider3000 last won the day on July 29 2019

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  1. Just saw a mini-discussion on Reddit why Zombies should have an Auschwitz map ,and a Hiroshima map. :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spider3000


      Yeah, I wouldn't mind a fictional setting. Zombies was never a serious enough game mode to tackle something like that though. What annoyed me about the discussion was that the people literally asking to see undead Japanese civillians, and undead Jewish concentration camp workers were upvoted, while the people pointing out how tasteless that would be were downvoted.

    3. anonymous


      I have to disagree with you two there. I actually prefer real existed places over fictional locations. Just no concentration camps or other places where mass destruction of humans took place. So also no fictional deathcamp or nuclear bombed city. I like real existed (or existing) places. Oh, and @Spider3000, that latter thing you say makes me really concerned about the majority of CoDZombies Reddit users

    4. Spider3000


      I think you misunderstand me. I too prefer real life locations, but obviously Auschwitz is several steps too far.


      And yeah, Reddit sometimes can be a cause for concern.

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