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Steelie last won the day on August 12 2020

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About Steelie

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  1. It would seem the timer on my profile (the one that shows how long I've been online) is broken, unless I really have been online for 68 years :sweat_smile:

    1. Lenne


      Haha same. But time is an illusion anyway, so it could be right.

    2. anonymous


      Seems like we've got a time traveller here

    3. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      I'll have a look into it, just noticed this update. 

  2. I absolutely love how you worked in the radios by the way!!
  3. I'm wondering in the prologue, the perspective seems to switch between third person and Raines' perspective?
  4. This is amazing! Hats off to you for taking on such an enormous project, I'll be sure to read it!
  5. I usually go for revive first and try to find Jug as fast as I can, but this map has me walking in circles most of the time so it's hard for me to find things.
  6. I noticed later on that they change places, yeah I simply hadn't gotten any other perks yet on the map so I didn't notice until Revive had changed places.
  7. Aaaah thanks for the info! I've played Tranzit years ago and don't remember much of it. And I heartily agree on ZnS being annoying. As for Jug, what bullshit that it's in the bunker and not in a better, more reachable place. I play solo 99% of the time (by lack of a crew) and from the 6 times or something I've played ZnS I've gotten the bunker opened once. It's got next to no replay value for me, the map is just so gigantic and there's paths everywhere. It's just not built for solo, which is a shame.
  8. There's a way to permanently turn on the power right?
  9. I got so many mixed feelings about ZnS tbh

  10. I'm a month late (because I play on PC), but I agree. I expected it to be a lot scarier, even the spiders were far less scary than what I expected. Not to mention the cheap "scare" when you open the bunker. And as was mentioned, after dying I just don't play it right away again because that would mean running across the map (mostly in circles because everything is so damn confusing) trying to get the power up and running, you have to plant seeds and water them, and the whole map in general just takes a lot more effort. It's more a gigantic chore than anything else.
  11. Hello, welcome to the site! And nice to see a fellow game design student here (I do mine in Groningen, Netherlands)! I hope you'll have a lot of fun here!
  12. Pretty late, but I'd recommend this video, it's like a documentary on zombies and 4 hours long, but it's very complete imo. They also put in a bunch of radios from the maps.
  13. Welp, guess that's about as clear as we're gonna get it ;D
  14. The spikes on a durian are a lot more dense though, that's why everyone probably thinks it's a pufferfish. To me it looks like a pufferfish turned into a grenade or something, like monkey bombs. If that's the case they might be something like sticky bombs, or maybe special grenades for underwater use. But we of course won't know for sure until the map actually comes out.
  15. Aaaah, I see. Now I'm really curious as to what it's like.
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