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About xXCHRIS74521Xx

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  1. it would be pretty cool if you could choose you starting weapon in the menu. You could choose:the M1911,the Mauser, the MR6 or some other pistol But they have the same amount of ammo and the damage is equall or maybe one weapon has more ammo but deals less damage But i doubt that they would do that
  2. maybe thats who controlles the zombies or someone who wants to help our four new charecters
  3. Maybe the guys from MotD are going to remember vincent (the cop from SoE) and there like going to want to beat him up or kill him coz he took them to Alcatraz. Or maybe the charecters from SoE and the charecters from MotD know each other from there past somehow and are going to help each other to survie or maybe they h8 each other and want to kill each other
  4. ok guys tell me wich are your favorite zombie maps until now and why? These are my favorite zombies map on:WaW: der riese: the story of der riese is so sick and interesting and there are some really cool weapons BO1: Shangri-la: it looks so nice, all the transportation methods are so sick and fun, the baby gun one of the best wonder weapons ever and the EE is so sick but only 1 gets the perks BO2: Mob of the Dead:so many stuff to do, cool weapons and traps, so many new stuff and the EE is so fun to do and so sick coz its part of the game like the retriever/redeemer its part of the game you have to do it other example the plane you have to build it its part of the game. BO3: ???? we still dont know much of the new maps Favorite zombie map ever: Mob of the dead
  5. moon and nuketown happen at the same time on the nuketown loading screen it says 1965 i think it says it as well on the call of duty wiki
  6. i have the same problem i dont know wich one to get shangri la or the moon but this is what i think: Shangri la:good stuff: it looks nice it has a really sick WW its for solo(like you) it has sick transportation methods you can do the EE solo(but its hard on solo) and sick traps bad and annoying stuff:its really tight and you can get stuck easy if your playing online is hard to PaP the bosses are annoying but challenging its really hard random perk spawn locations CotD:good stuff:its fun with friends its defeculty lvl is not to hard and not to easy so its balanced it has sick wonder weapons the EE is easy if you solo (wich you are) and you get the wonderwaffe its got nice spots to train bad and annoying stuff:The PaP is random george romero is a prick that thing on the ship and flips you all the way to the light house(its cool if when u want to escape zombies) the jugg is in a really bad spot so is the power theres a bad spot for the box on the edge of the ship so i think you should get shangri la
  7. On kino when u train and you get cornered but somehow you escape and you feel safe.WRONG!!!A FUCKING NOVA 6 CRAWLER BLOWS UP IN YOUR FACE AND U DEAD
  8. TranZit is in the 2025s. Die Rise has been proven to have been in that time frame. So unless you want to say that the Earth was already blown up by the time of Call of the Dead, and that the N4 had time traveled to get to Die Rise... 1 Poster proves it when 115 brings things through time? There is no backing for that claim whatsoever Wait i got mixed up. Kino and CotD is 2011 i think i might be wrong but i know there not in the 60s but the moon and nuketown are. Why isnt the earth blown up in kino and CotD Kino is actually in the 60's, however CotD is in 2011. CotD wasn't blown up, because the events of Moon hadn't actually taken place yet. well moon was before CotD. CotD should be blown up
  9. TranZit is in the 2025s. Die Rise has been proven to have been in that time frame. So unless you want to say that the Earth was already blown up by the time of Call of the Dead, and that the N4 had time traveled to get to Die Rise... 1 Poster proves it when 115 brings things through time? There is no backing for that claim whatsoever Wait i got mixed up. Kino and CotD is 2011 i think i might be wrong but i know there not in the 60s but the moon and nuketown are. Why isnt the earth blown up in kino and CotD
  10. I dont think there taking out perks i mean the perks are part of the zombies like the ray gun its like the emblem of zombies. Now for the gumball machines i think it would be like mini perks.What do i mean by that? So lets say you buy it its going to last for like 5 rounds for the lower rounds and the higher rounds you go the less time you have until you have it for 1 round. What are they going to do? Well it will give you the abilitieis of something not realy overpowered but still better than that balanced level something like a ray gun for the amount of rounds you have it or you dont lose your perks for the amount of rounds you have it or an extra hit for the zombies to hit you or your perks are stronger ( speed cola: you reload even faster, juggernaut: even more hits, stamin-up: you run even faster, quick revive: revive even faster etc.) or something like that
  11. I think that if u want to enter this new afterlife mode you have to kill that 3headed alian and it would be pretty cool if we have to do somethig to like release him so we fight him (like the tranzit boss) also it would be cool or challenging that when we kill him he like blows up and those flying stuff that we see in the trailer come out of him
  12. We all know that marlton was in that shelter on nuketown well how did marlton survive in that shelter about 80 (moon and nuketown are in the 60s) yearsuntil 2025 where tranzit is
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