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Tainted Opossum

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Posts posted by Tainted Opossum

  1. Gotta get on that scholarship, you'll stay focused ;)



    I typically go campaign to multi to zombies, but now that I don't have roommates I don't have to feel so inclined to play MP. The only issue is that I really enjoyed the beta on both systems - PS4 more, admittedly. With all this in mind, I'm going to gamble on nostalgia and go with a round of the giant once it loads, MP until that. After one or two matches on the giant I'll play through campaign.

    In other news, I paid off the rest of my jugg edition at my local Gamestop shy of $1.00. My mindset is such that the only thing more gratifying than getting the one ps4 jugg at the store, is handing over a single dollar bill prior to accepting it. 


    Behold, simple pleasures.

  2. It seems like time was a factor in many of the things that crippled the overall experience of zombies in black ops 2. I assume that they would be plagued with a very different set of issues at this point, given the extra year to produce content met with the result of blops 2 sales (not to mention Ghost and AW "Tanking", you'd have to assume the house is going to bet on its heaviest hitter with those projections coming true).With logically a handful more sets on hands available for this next installment, the biggest hurdle I would assume would be an appropriate way to tie the storyline together so as to not alienate the fanbase (again). 

    I remember there being an ongoing discussion in several games of Tranzit having an area under the corn fields - DBZ do you remember if there was there any validity to that or was that one more just YT and boredom?

  3. Oh god I know. Upon further review this morning, there may have been just a little bit of The Glenlivet guiding my introduction last night. I realize the absurdity of making such a personal post and then following it up with "FID I need 3 pplz!" but I felt compelled after spending well over an hour attempting to even simply find a lobby with four like-minded people. 

    I appreciate the courtesy, I have lurked this and the Activision site for years. I have played with a few guys who are regulars on here by chance and they have all been awesome. I know that I am going to get a varying quality of responses by throwing this large of a net in an introductory post, but I'm confident that as I spend more time on the site I'll find at least a few regulars to run with when it's an option. 


  4. Hey all,


    I have actively played zombies since black ops 1. I remember before that, my friend showed me the zombies mode on W@W in college and I died really quickly - wasn't initially impressed. When I finally returned to it by way of mistake (purchased the game on instinct for the MP after enjoying the last COD) - ended up playing zombies one night and was completely blown away. Kino was such a peculiar map, this morbid theatre of the dead and what it felt like to go down in the tiny strip of outside are with the box near the side stage - it actually felt like dying outside vs inside at that stage or nearby it. When the 2nd came out, I purchased the prestige edition and was in line for the midnight release. At this point in life, I was hooked on zombies. I had purchased every map pack from blops 1 as they went on sale, I had mastered shangri la and Moon, I had found the spawn death circle at Der Reise to be my favorite spot to train in any map ever. I was hooked.


    I spent much of my black ops 2 career on transit, running a circle I had found and perfected near the AK-74u. Many people will tell you that they discovered this perfectly difficult dead end to train in, and some of them may be telling the truth. I am one of those people who found this dead end training paradise, apropos of any influence from other players on that map. I learned the dead end train on Der Reise at the spawn under the chain length fence and spent an exhaustive amount of time attempting to find a dead end that resembled its uniqueness. I found this on the very first map of Blops 2, and never found it again on another map. 

    I told myself as the new maps came out, that I would play them. I didn't. In late February that year, I received my Shotguns (something I thought would never come) and perhaps the most uninspiring validation I had received in the game. I told myself in this time, that I would go back at the end of the season and would pick the best side of the EE, and complete one. I never did. 

    After that, I built a PC for W@W custom zombies and became a purist.l started playing on an xbone and put my 360 into my closet until just today when I decided - it's time to do those damn easter eggs.




    So there is my story, guys. I need a team of 3 to do the EE's with me. 




    Any Takers?


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