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Irish Hybrid

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About Irish Hybrid

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  1. I believe SoE, Motd, Origins, TG, and DE are in the same universe/timeline.
  2. I agree with you Spider.
  3. I agree. The wunderwaffe just doesn't have the same "feel" as in WAW or even BO1. Im also not a fan of the hell hounds. You can practically kill them just by looking at them, they are so weak.
  4. I was just wondering, who is in control of the zombies on the map, Der Eisendrache? Thanks.
  5. When playing zombies, how well you train your horde is an important factor when trying to reach high rounds. Any advice or idea as to where the best location to train is, on Shadows of Evil? Thank you.
  6. I've never experienced a successful host migration yet. Usually, the host is not a very good player and goes down, leading him to quit the match. This is one of the reasons I despise playing public, and usually just play with my friends.
  7. I actually enjoyed doing the easter egg with my friends, however I was disappointed with the lack of a reward for completing it. I wish it were like the moon ee, where everyone permanently earns all eight perks for the remainder of the game. As for the swords, I think it is a good concept, but i'd prefer the Hell's Retriever/Redeemer any day.
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