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  1. Now that you have found the Sentinel Artifact and activated the Pack-a-Punch, it is time to proceed. The next step is to find the six clocks that are located all around the map. Upon activating the Pack-a-Punch, four of these clock faces will have changes their time. The default time for these clocks is 11:40, which was the time the Titanic struck the iceberg. If the clock is not displaying this time, it means that it has been changed. Wait what the fuck. I don't get this step
  2. After activating the Sentinel Artifact, you need to activate the Pack-a-Punch. To do so, you must localize four pedestals glowing red across the map. Activate them by interacting with them, their locations are the following: At the Poop Deck, in the same room as where you just activated the Sentinel Artifact. So easiest to do this one first Underwater in the Turbine Room By the grand staircase, at the bottom floor Underwater in the Cargo Hold Every time you activated a pedestal, one of the circles on it will emit a blue colour. Once all four have been activated, the pedestal will change in a Pack-a-Punch. Enjoy upgrading your weapons!
  3. The Sentinel Artifact basically functions like some sort of Power Switch in this map. It is located on the backside of the Titanic opposite of the spawn area, meaning that you have to navigate all the way through the ship. Once you found it, simply interact with it to activate it.
  4. Hey @John Adam! Welcome to the forums! Have you been a player for some time already? What's your favourite wunderwaffe?
  5. That looks like the place! Where do you see the fountain exactly?
  6. @RadZakpak the dawn of the continuation of this masterpiece! I like it how the tradition of two parallel stories is being maintained, with now Pernell replacing Peter's part. Thinking longer about it, the title is very well being chosen: As spoiled in 'Danke Schoen', it relates to Richtofen's Ascension to the Aether. But if we take into account that Pernell may have a prominent role in this story as well, "A Soul Alone" may also relate to the rise and fall into madness of his soul. I also like it how in Pernell's part, Richtofen's intentions and whereabouts are dretched in such ambiance of mystery. That perfectly fits with Richtofen's role in the story. Then there is the part Schuster talks about the Zombies becoming passive, and the yellow light fading in their eyes. Imagine the gruesome feeling he must have when he saw that same yellow light in their eyes again, many years later in the Pentagon. Good forecasting to that! In these two chapters introducing Ultimis, you already succeeded in making Nikolai's attitude to the rest clear: Nikolai liking Dempsey and (to a lesser degree) Richtofen, but despising Takeo. And the storm reference, of course, a nod to your theory. If you ever need assistence with explaining some (pseudo)sciencific stuff like what happens in Ascension, or any other Easter Egg process, feel free to shoot me a message, I'd love to help
  7. This looks abdolutely awesome! Really love it, well done Grimmstein!
  8. The bossfight is over, you have now 90 seconds to exit the facility and evacuate with the helicopter. Avoid the blue electrical bursts as you will die touching it. Only one player needs to reach the helicopter to complete the Easter Egg. Wait for the Helicopter to lower itself and interact with it to get in and fly away. Congratulations, you have finished the very first Easter Egg Quest of Cold War Zombies!
  9. It is time for the final bossfight! Prepare well, do any last-minute upgrades, perks and grab anything else you need as there is no going back. When you are ready, enter the Dark Aether and head to the Nacht der Untoten bunker. You'll find an anomality of Orlov's spirit, interact with it for a small cutscene. After this, you will exit the Dark Aether and re-enter the normal world again. Interact with Orlov's family picture dropped on the floor of Nacht der Untoten to start the bossfight. You will teleport to the Particle Accelerator room where Orlov waits for you. He recognises his family photo you give him and says he wants to shut down the Particle Accelerator. Your mission is to survive and protect Orlov into doing what he must. A lot of zombies and Megatons will spawn in. Killing the Megatons will give you max ammo drops. Depending on with how many you are, one is advised to protect Orlov, while the others should kill the zombies and Megatons. Orlov will move around the Cyclotron, so be sure to follow and protect him. Once he has succeeded, the screen will turn purple and white. Note: It is recommended to also read the next step before initiating the Boss Fight
  10. Now, all players will have to go to the computer terminal and activate the decontamination room. The Megaton becomes a human again, named Orlov, a former Omega Group scientist. He can speak and says he is very scared. After a short conversation a lot of Plaguehounds and Megatons will spawn, so get yourself to open ground quickly!
  11. Head back to the Medical Bay and insert the Decontamination Agent into a glass case on the wall. The computer will now tell you that it waits for a subject. As a subject, you will need a Megaton. In case there isn't any, simply wait till a round when it will spawn. Now lead him in the Medical Bay, under the Wechsler decontamination room, and shoot the creature untill it splits into two. You can also harm the Megaton till it almost splits in two, cease fire, lure him under the Wechsler, and shoot the final shots on it. When it splits in two, the creatures will be sucked into the decontamination room. You need to make sure to lure both creatures in the machine.
  12. Now head to the old Tiger II Tank outside. You need to interact with it on four places to fix it with the Dark Aether wrench. After doing so, a zombie will crawl out of the hatch on top of the vehicle: Kill it! Now locate a nearby Crafting Table where you need to craft a Semtex Grenade. Throw this grenade at the little hatch where the zombie just crawled out of. This will cause the Tank to fire a missile at a tree located at the Crash Site. Head over to this tree and you'll be able to pick up a 'Decontamination Agent'.
  13. So all cylinders of der Wechsler have been activated by either one of the wonderweapon upgrades. Now proceed by entering the Dark Aether. Head back to the Medical Bay, to the upstairs floor, and interact with the anomality encountered. After listening to a short conversation, leave the Dark Aether and you will find a 'Dark Aether wrench' in the Medical Bay. Interact to collect it.
  14. Go to the penthouse on top of the Nacht der Untoten building. At the top, look over the edge of the building near the green tarp and you will find a box just towards the left. Shoot it and pick up the flask that is dropped near the water area below. Once you have collected the flask, look for the nearby tree that is covered in fungus. You will need to lure a Megaton to this area and have it blast the fungus covered tree with its radioactive attack. Having done so, interact with the fungus and place the flask beneath it. Once the flask has been filled, pick it up and make your way to the Medical Bay in the underground facility. Upon arriving in the Medical Bay, you will find a a small box covered in chains, not too far from the Particle Accelerator door. Using your flask, interact with the box and have the flask remove the chains. When opening the box, you will be rewarded with the D.I.E. Cryo-Emitter. Once all four cylinders have been risen up, it is time to proceed to the next step
  15. Go to the Dark Aether and head for the crashed plane. Here, you will find a small box beneath the floating plane wreckage. You need to do the following steps as quick as possible, as there is a time limit: Melee the small box will give you a fuse. Holding the fuse, make your way to the Weapons Labs in the underground facility and place it in the Plasma Cutter (found across of the perk machine). Now return to the normal world and go to the water pond. Here, you will find a small box at the old truck and you will find the D.I.E. Thermophasic upgrade when interacting with it.
  16. .To get the Electrobolt, you need to enter the Dark Aether and collect three energy crystals with your regular D.I.E. wonderweapon. These can be found at the following location and at any order. It is important to note, however, that you can grab only one crystal at the time, meaning that you have to make three trips to the Dark Aether in total: At the roof of Nacht der Untoten, above the Stamin-up machine. There can be a Mayak guarding it. As soon as you picked up the crystal, the D.I.E. will colour orange and you shouldn't shoot anymore. In the crashed plane area, near the entrance to the tunnel underground. In the water pond, near the possible Mystery Box location and close to the entrance to the tunnel. When picking up each crystal, return to the large Cyclotron room in the underground facility and shoot the crystal in the radiobox that can be found on the first floor of the room. When you did this with all three crystals, you will receive the Electrobolt upgrade for the D.I.E.
  17. For the Nova-5 upgrade you need to go to the top of the Nacht der Untoten bunker. Upon looking to a small room at the end of the building, you can see a small yellow canister laying on a table. You are unable to reach the room yourself, but fortunately you carry the D.I.E. Wonderweapon with which you can suck the canister towards you. Once you grabbed the canister, head to the Weapons Lab in the underground facility. Put the canister in a white machine standing right of the large blueprint hanging on the wall. A Plaguehound will spawn, kill it near the machine. The canister will now fill itself with the gas from the creature. Pick it up and head towards the crashed plane. Against the bunker, you will here find a small box, interact and melee with it: You can now pick up the Nova-5 upgrade for the D.I.E.
  18. The next step may sound complicated, but it is actually quite easy. Now, return to the Wechsler in the Medical Bay, where the computer says that it needs more power. Now, the D.I.E. can be upgraded in four variants. You need to shoot the Wechsler, the contamination camber suspended in the room, with each wonderweapon upgrade. The next four steps will explain how to get each upgrade. If shot succesful, the four cylinders in the corners of the vessel will rise up, one by one. Each one of the four cylinders respond to a different upgrade, so you will need to try shooting them all. Once all four cylinders have been risen up, it is time to proceed to Step 13.
  19. If you haven't yet, you need to obtain the Decompressive Isotopic Estrangement device (or D.I.E. in short). When a Megaton spawns, kill it and subsequently kill the two halves. One of them will drop a Keycard which you need to pick up. Now head to the Weapons Lab in the underground facility and face the cabinet with the broken glass. Use your keycard on the computer next to it and the cabinet will spawn the D.I.E. Remote Control. Now go to the "Living Room" in the Nacht der Untoten bunker, and notice a crack in the wall with blue electricity behind it. The room behind this crack is inaccesible yet, but you have to interact with the crack which will activate the D.I.E. device behind it, using the remote control. Now start to kill zombies in front of the machine, You need to kill approximately 30 of them, and every 'succesfull' kill will release a blue Lifeforce from the zombie's body, siphoned into the machine. Once you have killed enough zombies, discharge the device and watch as the door to the room is blown off. Inside the room, you will find a skeleton holding the D.I.E. device. You can now pick it up.
  20. After having interacted with all three spirits, leave the Dark Aether and return to the office where you earlier found the Diary. Here, interact with the computer and input the password to activate the Wechsler.
  21. You have to interact with each of the three anomalities. Initially they appear as a blue ball of energy, but interacting with them will change them in a humanoid spirit. Their locations are the following: Medical Bay: On the lowest floor of the Medical Bay, just beneath the office in which you found the diary. Control Room: In the Control Room, towards your right as you enter the room from the underground facility. Particle Accelerator: In the Particle Accelerator room, next to the workbench where you have built the Aetherscope.
  22. Enter the Dark Aether and head to the Medical Bay. Here you will find Doktor Vogel's Diary on the desk next to his computer. Interact with it and three spirit-like 'spectral anomalities' will spawn around the facility (only visible in Dark Aether mode).
  23. The Aetherscope is a device that allows you to see spirits from "the other side", having a prominent role throughout the Easter Egg quest. It can be built on the crafting table under the Cyclotron, and requires three parts. Only one part spawns at a time, and the order is random. So you have to locate a part on one of the three locations before you can find the next part at another location. The three locations are all in the Dark Aether, so you have to travel through the dimensional anomality again. Location 1: In the Cyclotron room, at the staircase leading towards the upgrade station, right next to an Aether Tunnel and a vent. Location 2: In the Spawn Room, outside next to the blocked staircase. Location 3: On top of the engine of the crashed plane. After having built and picked up the Aetherscope, it will work for all teammates. The device detects anomalies in the Dark Aether, like spirits and special objects.
  24. Next, you have to stabilize the particle accelerator by interacting with two computer terminals, left and right of the Cyclotron. Upon doing so, a dimensional anomality will take shape in the middle of the apparatus. Interact with it (keep pressing the button) will make you teleport into the Dark Aethereal mirror version of the map. You will remain in this realm for a limited time (2 minutes or so), so hurry up with doing what you must: Step 1: Localize the Aether Tunnel outside on the surface of the map (it is indicated). Now spend 500 points upon using it, and you will flow to an underground room Step 2: In the underground room, you will find a spirit-like 'Machine part' of the Pack-a-Punch. Interact with it to pick it up. Step 3: Now head to the center of the Cyclotron, the very same place where you have entered the portal for the first time. You will find a rough spirit-like structure of the rest of the Pack-a-Punch. Interact with it to add the part, after which you will be teleported back to the normal world and you will now have build a physical Pack-a-Punch. In case you didn't make it in time and you are teleported back to the normal world before you have succeeded in building the Pack-a-Punch, simply wait till the Anomality reappears again (somewhere else) in the map. This will take about one round. Enter the Dark Aether again and proceed with where you were left.
  25. Just wanted to make sure you've read this: Hey man, this is a forum of quality and we do not allow spam. Rankings mean nothing, I hope you know that and don't simply post for increasing in rank. If you will post more threads or comments like this, I will have to delete them or it may eventually lead to a ban of your account. I know you are a good guy and don't mean anything bad, but due to your enormous amount of posts, other posts that are well-written and high-quality are overshadowed. I recommend you back down a little bit, take it easy and don't make any posts like this again. Quality above quantity. Also don't resurrect old posts In simpler words, dont overspam the forums with comments. Otherwise I would be sorry to give you retaliations that may lead to (1) deletion of your comments or (2) permanent deletion of your account. I hope you understand this and be a cool member without posting too much (in too old threads).
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