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Everything posted by anonymous

  1. As a classic first step for a zombies map, Die Maschine also requires you to start with turning on. To do this, simply proceed to the Cyclotron in the underground facility and push the red button.
  2. @Jacob VickersOh yes, I forgot, posts that are too old are not allowed to reply on, since most likely no one will respond on it as it is a discussion being held many years back. You can, like HW said, create a new post yourself or look for more recent and relevant threads regarding the subject. This link (The Order of Forgotten Mysteries #7: Zombie Eyes - Story Discussion - Call of Duty Zombies) will redirect you to a more recent discussion thread about the eye colours of the undead. Feel free to share your thoughts threre!
  3. The final battle against the Shadowman begins! Time to show him what you got. Step 1: Place the Summoning Key in one of the green glowing standards on the upper level walkways. Step 2: Charge the Summoning Key by killing zombies around it (watch out! Panzer Soldaten and Margwas will also spawn!). Do this untill the Key begins to shine a yellow colour. Interact with it and you will be able to pick it up, taking the place of your weapon. Now throw the key on Sophia's spirit, floating in the middle of the room. Upon doing so, it will release a red laser beam which destroys the Shadowman's shield. Step 3: You can now damage the Shadowman by shooting on him. While doing so he will randomly teleport around the altar. Keep shooting on him untill he is in the mounth of the great Apothicon Overlord statue at the back of the arena. Step 4: Now quickly, interact with the Kronorium book, laying on the altar. If you are too late, you have to redo the previous step untill the Shadowman is in the mounth again. If you succeeded, you have finished the Easter Egg! Congratulations, the Cycle will continue!
  4. The Summoning Key takes up one weapon slot of the player who carries the artifact, and can be thrown. It must be thrown at 7 specific locations throughout the map, all being locations of Easter Eggs from the old maps. These locations are the following: Mob of the Dead: Look at the cells from the bridge on the wall opposite the Corruption Engine. Throw the Summoning Key at the poster inside one of the open cells. Verruckt: Looking toward the Corruption Engine, look left to spot a fountain with a machine gun mounted on top. Throw the key at the gun on the fountain. Shangri-La: To the left of the stairs leading up to the top of the temple, look left. There’s a Keeper statue, but further left there is a bright blue orb on a staff. Throw the key at this object. Origins: Go to the top of the hill in Origins (where the entrance down into Mob of the Dead is located) and look for a gravestone at about eye-level on a wooden catwalk. Der Eisendrache: Throw the key at the clocktower face visible just over the ceiling ruins when looking up from the Corruption Engine area, near the portal to Nacht der Untoten. Nacht Der Untoten: Go to the lower-level wall with a view of a crashed truck in the background. To the right of the truck is a red barrel. Hit the red barrel. Kino der Toten: Hit the huge chandelier hanging above the seating area. After throwing the Summoning Key correctly in Kino, the teleporter has to be used again. All step in the teleporter and interact with it at the same time, which will teleport you to the arena again to complete the Boss Fight. It is recommended to read the next step beforehand, so you know what to do before entering the arena.
  5. @RichKiller didn't knew about that excerpt stating the Silverback escaped from Ascension, thank you for that. When and how do you think ithappened? As the newspaper is in Five (occuring simultaneous to Ascension), I assume it happens prior to the actual events of Ascension
  6. Well what is something quite cool in most Call of Duty games, in my opinion, is to start with the Campaign to get 'into the whole atmosphere and ambiance of the era'. If you enter zombies after that, it really feels like this was some dark shady stuff going on at the same time as the whole campaign, which is nice in my opinion. I self am not really a multiplayer player. I think the only games where I genuinely played multiplayer were Black Ops I and World War II. But everybody their own preferences!
  7. Sadly I never really played IW but yeah, as it sounds, I guess it is kinda the same. You just started playing the Final Reich? I really liked that map
  8. Ooh, that's the chest where you can pick up your weapons if you have died in a co-op match. So when you die, you spawn next round with merely a handpistol, then you run to that treasure chest and you can get your old loadout back again
  9. Haha I'm around here for some time already yep. The Final Reich is some time back, please clear my mind. What was the retrieve chest again? Is it the name for the Magic Box?
  10. By making posts and comments! You can find out about the zombification ranks here https://www.callofdutyzombies.com/zombiefications_levels.html/
  11. Oooh, so true! Richtofen really is the funniest man, and many of his BO2 quotes are just so weird and great at the same time. Constantly talking to Stuh like he is talking to a little child, while being like a child himself as well haha. If you ask red admins like @Boom115, he'll probably say we do nothing and are useless. But 'green' moderators try to keep this forum tidy and clean. We notice and flag bots and spammers, and ban people who break the Code of Conduct. To keep the ambiance here on CoDZ kind and friendly. Have you just recently discovered this site? Are you a zombies enthousiast as well? If you are interested, dont hestitate to check out of Discord as well. Discord mostly is the place of quick talk, finding teammates, etc, while this site is for discussions and theories on the game and story. Here's the discord link if you are interested: https://discord.gg/FY2bdzxp
  12. Oh that's remarkable. Mule Kick actually wasn't added in Kino untill Moon's release. Seems like your Kino is still stuck in her old version, pretty cool :). Hmmm, difficult question. I may have a weakness for Pernell/Avogadro since I link him with the profile picture of our beloved member @clueless here :p. Then again, the Shadowman is good in what he does, just being the plain evil guy. So maybe him? Do you have a favourite?
  13. Second room above. This thread is about the black portrait. Also, welcome to CoDZ!
  14. @clueless here's to eternalizing your theory!
  15. "Okay everyone, gas around"

    * Sighs*

    "Give me order!"

    "The Doktor has a Christmas story your you"

    "Ooh story time I love it!"

    "Oh joy, I'm warm and fuzzy already"

    "Feel free to leave Dempsey. Or kill yourself"

    "Is that mistletoe? I suddenly feel like kicking your mounth"

    "Where's my wodka? Where's my where's my wodka?"

    "Nikolai put down that bottle"

    *Smashes bottle and yells*

    "Ouch, not there"

    "I have a story for you that my grandfather used to tell me when I was a little, little, little..."

    "Ah, it's like grandpa used to talk about hookers"

    "Nein, it's nothing like that"

    "I like hooker!"

    "It was the night before Christmas, and all through the house not a creature was stirring, except for a mouse"

    "I kill the mouse!"

    "That's good Takeo, well done"

    "The shotguns were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that Zombie Klaus soon would be there"

    "Oh I love Zombie Klaus!"


    "Takeo and Dempsey were snug in their beds"


    "While visions of murder danced in their heads"


    "I like murder" 

    "And Nikolai in his 'kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled down for a long winter's nap"

    "I be big spoon, you be little spoon, yeah?"

    "Shh, don't tell anyone"


    "When out on the lawn there arose such a clamor, I reached for my luger and pulled back the hammer"


    "Away to the window I flew without haste, Tore open the shutters and began to lay waste"




    "The blood on the breast of the new-fallen dead, gave the luster of rubies all glistening und red"


    "When, what to my wondering eyes should I see, But a miniature sleigh pulled by filthy monkeys"

    "Oh, I hate monkeys"

    "And then, as I stood with my mouth all agape I heard the moaning and gnawing of those damn dirty apes."

    "Because they have no honor!"

    As I drew back the trigger, all set for the kill, Down the chimney came Zombie Claus, ahaha, what a thrill!"


    "He was wearing the flesh he tore from St. Nick"


    "And his clothes were all bloody!"

    "Oh man this is sick sick"

    "A bundle of limbs poked out from his sack, And he looked like a hobo, just having a snack"

    "Like my brother, he is broke"

    "His eyes were glazed over, his nose was not there! His cheeks were half eaten, but he had not a care! The drool from his mouth spilled onto the floor, And the stench from his carcass, I simply adored!"

    "That's just wrong"

    "The stump of a leg he held tight in his teeth, And he wore some intestines on his head like a wreath"


    "He had sores on his face and a distended belly, That shook when he moaned, like a bowlful of jelly"

    "Like pregnant hooker!"

    "He was deliciously gaunt, it made me giggle, And I laughed and I laughed, I wet myself a little..."

    "It happens"

    "A wink of his eye as it "popped" from his head, Oh how I love, the sexy undead"


    "He's not well"

    "He spoke not a word, and went straight for my heart, As I leveled my 12 gauge, and blew him apart"

    *All laugh*

    "Haha, Now we are talking"

    "On the floor lay his finger aside of his nose, On the tree, like ornaments, were his teeth and his toes"


    "And then in an instant, he sprang back to life, I threw down the gun, and reached for my knife"

    "You need katana!"

    "But up the chimney he went, as he gave me the finger, "Nein!" I shouted "you must stay, you must linger!" "

    "No, come back Zombie Klaus"

    "And I heard Zombie Klaus moan, as he flew out of sight, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-bite."

    *All laugh*

    "Haha, bit, get it? Ah fuck you"

    Read more  
  16. anonymous


    Groph's speech Contact lost with Dr. Richtofen Corrupted cognitive processes Corrupted
  17. A New Friend After the Great Battle Pablo's autopsy Another Toy The securing of the Summoning Key Peter's final mission The Island Facility Rezurrecting the Ancient Beasts Teleporting beings M's message He refuses to die Scrap Paper
  18. anonymous


    Day 66 Samantha still lives What have I done Release the Beacon New opportunities The testsubjects can never be allowed to awaken MTD tests The child must be protected Nikolai's message Dempsey's message Takeo's message
  19. The Frozen One Honor Suffering A City of Fire The House Living Dead Unsolved Scrap Paper
  20. The Elder Gods Primis will fall Undone Downfall The plan Scrap Paper
  21. anonymous

    Phone Booths

    Checking in The Ancient Order of the Keepers Mysterious contracts Nero's affairs A dirty cop The journeyman fighter A real firecracker Fraudulent documents I got your back Knockout Loose promises To any survivors of this realm
  22. anonymous

    Ciphers & Scrap Paper

    Treason A higher power Edward Richtofen Samantha Warn Messines Scrap Paper
  23. Well sincerely gratuliere mein freund! It's so cool to see it finished now after you've worked on this project for so long. I remember being really curious that when time many years ago when I believe it was @InfestLithium who posted a sneak peak of the Book on his status, and ever since I've been catching up with new chapters and re-reading old chapters. I remember the release of the Timeline invaluated the canonity of Book 1 and Book 2 you were writing back then and I remember how you, stubborn and ambitious, overstepped that challenge and started to re-writing everything. It's both beautiful and tragedic to see the end of the two protagonist stories, Richtofen and Peter. It's like finishing every good book, you want to read more but it is over now. So I guess I should re-read the updated book now? Do you have any serious plans short-term in contacting Treyarch or a book publisher? If you won't publish this book, I think I'm gonna print it myself, seal it with plastic and take it as a genuine book on my next holiday trip
  24. Oh, we are nearing the end. This is so exciting! The finale of Richtofen's part of the story, inevitable from the beginning. I think it is so cool to see all those characters coming together again: Richtofen, Schuster, Maxis, Samantha, Groph. That goodbye between Richtofen and Schuster was more emotional to me knowing this really will be the last time the two old friends, with which this story started, will see each other. Also really liked that scene where Schuster tries to escape We've reached the climax: Zombies start to break lose, main characters die and the most important event in the whole story just happened. These are the chapters the whole story was building up to and you certainly took your chance to write it down very well.
  25. Yeah right?! I'll start re-reading it all when the book is done
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