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About LaDonnaXoXo89

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  1. Thanks! I looked already and so far I'm only seeing Xbox 1 and ps4 and we have a ps3! But I check every few days to see if anyone with a ps3 is looking for players! I made a post but I'm not sure how to filter through them. I just made an account on this website about maybe 2 weeks ago and still haven't learned how to do everything :D
  2. Happy New Years everyone(even though I'm a little late)! Xoxo

  3. Hey! I'm LaDonna! Just looking for people for me and my husband to play with that know what their doing! We've been trying to do the EE, but can't find anybody that takes it serious and won't quit right at the beginning!
  4. BO3 seems like its going to take a lot of getting use to! From what I've seen, it looks completely different and harder than BO2!

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