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Everything posted by JJMFP

  1. GDC in mid march is speculated to contain an official announcement for the Black Ops 3 DLC Pack 2. March 14-18 will be a time that I will be glued to the internet and I am starting this thread in hopes that it finds it's way to a stickier place. The dates of the DLC has not been released as of yet but we know for a fact that it will be PS4 in April and XBOX in May. Speculation by "experts" suggest a week one release right after a MASSIVE update. What are you looking forward to seeing and what are your hopes for the next installment of Black Ops 3 DLC's.
  2. JJMFP

    New DLC

    That made me giggle
  3. JJMFP

    New DLC

    I just thought of something.... Isn't it the moon's gravitational pull that causes the tides? If that be the case, no waves to play in, right?
  4. JJMFP

    New DLC

    @Stop Mocking Me0 posted I really want water physics to be a thing in BO3. It just has so much potential with multiplayer getting water physics, zombies could fit it as well. Not to mention the destruction of the moon would play HAVOC on the tides. This brings up a great idea. Blowing up the moon in this timeline would subsequently affect any and all timelines after Der Eisendrache. So, ideally, the next map will be a bit further in the future than Der Eisendrache and we will see rising tides bringing in waves (pun intended) of Zombies to deal with from conflicts at sea. It would be a welcome change but would also require a new set of strategies to deal with unless they take the easy, much less appealing, way out and just use the tides to spawn the zombies and not actually give us the water mechanics you so desperately want to see. I think it IS coming but how it plays will be something I am yet to be excited about. Been running on land for so long, I am set in my ways. Even in the Moon map, I would run the dome and jet over to stop the excavator from smashing it just so I would not have to deal with the bounce.
  5. The top picture could just simply be generic frequencies made up for authenticity. Then again could have a meaning, but I refuse to become part of that madness. Remember when people dissected the hell out of Transit with no clear answers.
  6. I would have thought that if it were going to be anywhere, it would have been the jump back in time. Where else could it have possibly been?
  7. I plan on grinding it out till I master prestige in Zombies. Then I'll probably go hit up MP.
  8. JJMFP

    New DLC

    Back to the OP. It is not that I am impatient, but excited. If they do it right, and I pray that they did, then what we will watch unfold during the course of the year should be nothing less than epic. Der eisendrache gave me everything that I had hoped for and more. Just hope this tweet doesn't hold a future unbecoming. Posted 15 hours ago TREYARCH STUDIOS @TREYARCH We're getting a little misty over here... https://t.co/O9stNPMYwp
  9. JJMFP

    New DLC

    He could replace me at work next Thursday and I'll go to my cousins house and play it on Xbox With you, given you can find a way to use internet. :o)
  10. Seeings how Xbox users and PC Gamers are about to get the DLC1 in a couple of weeks, when do you suppose we will get our first hint to the next DLC? If my memory serves me well, this past year, we heard about the DLC quite early. With four DLC's planned, I should be seeing DLC2 sometime in May. Is there any gaming conventions coming up that Treyarch might be using to announce? Any Ideas?
  11. So, the plunger was meant to be a one hit kill? I am going to have to try this. Keep getting to Keeper Boss and last night failed once again. Panzers on fourth go round is a mutha.
  12. You seriously might want to explain what we are seeing. I for one refuse to see the end cut scene until I do it for myself and jumping around watching your video almost screwed it up for me. Please be a little more careful and be specific in your posts or use spoilers. Thank you.
  13. @Hells Warrrior @Ragdo11706 Here is something for the thread! Upon review and gameplay, these symbols change positions so there is no correlation between door and symbol.
  14. @Ragdo11706 I took your advise last night and jumped right back into the game and tried to get the screen shots. Just as I was making my way up to the statues I died a terrible death. I will get home tonight and post a new thread with a detailed analysis on the corresponding names and Apathicon Symbols. Or better yet, update it in the easter egg thread
  15. I am with you on this. I think the Vril-ya/Keepers will continue to fight any other multi-dimensional being that stands in their way, including us. Technically we are multi-dimensional beings are we not? As I recall, the shadowman labeled them as "our true enemies". They were really his enemies standing in the way of his own power hungry greed. It may feel like they helped us, but sometimes even good and evil have to work together due to their interests aligning.
  16. This zombie stayed right here in the first room the entire game rockin his own personal KN-44. When we finally died, you could see him in the ending overshot of the map still putting in work.
  17. The corresponding statues show you the Apothicon symbol needed to shoot with the bow. They are the same every time, but the name changes from game to game, making the symbols change and the order in which they go. Go to each statue and press action button and it will show you the symbol for that statue. A picture of the door or horn or crown is on the statues base. Sorry but i do not have pictures but can post them tonight after I screen shot the process. This would be better suited for the EE thread though, wouldn't you think?
  18. Ok, so we averted the apocalypse and had two definitive factions working against each other in SOE. Who is to say that the shadow man was bad in the first place. I mean, that was my perception but what motives do the keepers have to help us? Why are they such a huge part of this Easter Egg and the ones that precede it. My guess is that we will eventually deal with them soon enough. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. We are using them just as much as they are using us. It is going to be a great year for zombies and I am anticipating that it will be epic. Why else would I refuse to play any other Call of Duty game and stick to Black Ops 2 for years.
  19. I can confirm with you on that. Crown,Door,Heart,Horn,Griffin,Stag Match the pattern as said to the corresponding statues right before power room. Make sure to stay in the trophy room to hear it. If you miss it, simply hit the urn with your bow and it will repeat. Happy Easter Egging
  20. This may be something!!!! Can you imagine that after all the DLC's we go back to the Giant and that would be the map that ends it for all time????
  21. I just tried doing the easter egg last night. I do not look at the easter egg steps until i give up, but I have heard how it ends and now I am putting the Moon to rest. Here's why! Going to have another go at it tonight. Had a great response from the LFG!!! Anyone else ready for action just hit me up on PS4:JJMFP
  22. Very rarely do they allow an easter egg to be done by one man alone. We had Call of the Dead and that is the only one I completed as solo. Mob of the Dead could be complete with two or more, never tried to do it solo. They want people to work together. It make the easter egg that much harder. When was the last time you could play with randoms and do an easter egg. I have done it only once, Origins.
  23. The Nan Madol, Pohnpei. looks like it will be an amazing canvas for Treyarc to Zombiefy. I cannot wait to see that.
  24. I can second that!!!
  25. Okay, Pros and Cons I have about Der Eisendrache alone. Pros: 1. The Bow, I am enthused to see that it takes the place of the staffs in Origins and suspect that they will be just as useful for the EE. 2. Enemies, No shortage of challenging enemies to kill. Panzer Soldat is not to overbearing but still a formidable foe. Shot that damn thing a thousand time in the dome with a packed weapon and got nothing. Nice to see that he is still a pain in the butt. With the change to the hitting system it makes the dogs much more difficult to deal with and still run your train. 3. Easter Eggs, They are continually surprising me with their complexity. A little disappointed in the Shadow Of Evil Easter Egg. It seemed to easy, but Der Eisendrache gives me the complexity that I remember from Origins and that is a good thing. Cons: 1. Last night, a friend of mine was dumb enough to hold down in one of the pack-a-punch locations for a small amount of time and pack-a-punch came teleporting in and killed him and trapped him behind it. Killing him is fine but I revived him three times and he had to die out completely just to get out. 2. Random character stoppage. Almost as if I hit an invisible wall. Not a good look when I'm running around a spawn of zombies on round 18 and I hit something that stops me in my tracks. 3. I went down trying my damnedest to complete the daily challenge, kill 25 with trip mines, due to the chalk drawing not wanting to give me the trip mines that are located by the rocket. No prompt for payment and unable to by them. 4. For some reason, when the pyramid is doing its anti-gravity thing, zombies on the bottom that are underneath me reach out and kill me seemingly instantly. Running with jug but unsure if running on the wall increases zombie damage. I am sure there is a host of other things, I just cannot think of them at the moment. Hope this is useful.
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