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About BaronVonBeau

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  1. i need people to play shadows of evil easter egg, do you want to help?
    Please respond.

  2. Milo commented and shared my video on twitter :414:



  3. Just a list really as want to go through them all and not miss anything :)
  4. That would be amazing! thank you for your help!
  5. totally forgot to log in. again, any help would be amazing
  6. Hi guys, does anyone know if the Xbox dlc will be available at midnight tonight or will we have to wait until the morning? Maybe PlayStation players could let me know if it was midnight or 10/11amish time for them? Thanks guys
  7. Thanks guys, it's good to be here. Everyone is so awesome and inviting too. Top notch stuff!
  8. So I've been thinking about future locations for DLC, now I know that we have Richtofens note with coordinates and ciphers are coming in thick and fast regarding the island research centre and stuff about Stalingrad but Treyarch love to play mind games with us, which is brilliant, but I wonder if it's all a game. They are giving us way too many clues regarding future DLC if you ask me. In the build up to the game release and while playing the giant we were tricked into believing that we would be revisiting the moon, which of course we didn't nor will we now it's been exploded into piece. Maybe we're being led down the same path again, maybe I'm being stupid, I'm interested to know what other people think?
  9. Thank you, it is usually a Tuesday isn't it! Thanks again
  10. Hi! I've been playing zombies since world at war, I've always had a deep passion for it, I am shocked as a hardcore interneter that I've only just found this site - and what an awesome place it is. Thank you to everyone who shares their knowledge. What a community we have!
  11. Hi guys does anyone know the exact date that der Eisedrache will be available for the Xbox One and will it be downloadable and playable from midnight?
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