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KlowniiN- last won the day on June 29 2016

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About KlowniiN-

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  1. ahahahaha. yeah at least they didt make the wonder weapons build-able. Its better to have it luck based and who ever spends the most points on the box
  2. I have to disagree on this one. The picture from black ops 2 is definitely the og ray gun Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. oh shiiiiit you did. my bad
  4. Well. My original username didt have the dash :L Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Hinting of the mark 2 ray gun was in world at war der rises :P Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. When I first made my account I got randomly signed out. So I thought no biggie. I try and sign back in and it's telling me my log in information isint correct. So I reset the password and the same thing. I can't sign in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Do you think people would go on the Internet and online? Never. But forreal I just got confused because shadows of evil is lameo imo and I just got the giant and got super confused Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. its a easter egg step i have how double the effects of these perks please like rate comment subscribe share and make sure you guys see the huge watermark across the screen.
  9. even with the spooky outline? i got this game for free like a week ago and dont play SOE as much. i just got The giant
  10. Is there normally a outline on the perks? in the pic you cant really see it but its like a light blue outline.
  11. ill check it out. The thing i dont like about going in myself is the extra ambient sound you hear, like the zombie crawler sitting right by you as you try and listen or just the sound of screams that you sometimes hear.On here however its directly ripped from the files so there is a clear understanding about what is said. i dont like how some of the sounds dont have a transcript and only a video :/ id much rather read the hear
  12. Right now im trying to look at every single bit of detail there is in zombies so i can somewhat come up with a story but holy fuck i didt think this game was so lore rich
  13. I think I'm gonna stay here for a long time :D
  14. I'm in Michigan! What about you?
  15. What if like all this hard work is being done and it turns out he was no where near right. like hes completely off track and DLC 4 just leaves us on a cliff hanger like moon
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