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Lauren last won the day on July 3 2016

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  1. I remember playing the copter game NON STOP. We'd have computer class and I swear no one would pay attention and just play that game all day long.
  2. My favorite maps are the ones on waw. I guess I just don't like the map more, and I've grown accustomed to the shield. I didn't really even play bo2
  3. I personally don't liek playing on this map. Its quite small and i don't like that theres no shield or things like that.
  4. If I had to guess I'd say it vanishes like all the other pick up pieces for the kt-4
  5. Thanks, I can be cool sometimes. but not as cool as JJMFP's picture
  6. I don't doubt that there is something going on with it. They woldn't have put it in the map for no reason if it didn't do anything.
  7. Blue only - gun or power up Green only - weak guns and money One of each - fruit plant which can give you a perk yes. no water - weak gun, grenade, zombies This is pretty much simple stuff about the map lol As taken from reddit
  8. I really like playing on the map. It's so much different than all the others. There aren't many places to "train". It takes more skill to getti the higher rounds. But yes this map is full of bugs and glitches and are quite annoying and need to be fixed.
  9. Are you a cat person or a dog person?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lauren


      at least you know it ;)

    3. NaBrZHunter


      Cat. All day every day. :D

    4. Lauren


      Woooop this site is winning my cat loving heart over 

  10. Omg lmao. 115 like the song/element 115 I saw the colons and it TOTALLY threw me off. Wish I could go erase my post lol
  11. This may be a total noob question. But what made you try and put it on 1:15?
  12. Very cool, I look forward to being in the chatbox!
  13. Hey Trey, try out this part of the forum which is specifically for finding zombie players. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/groupfinder/
  14. In previous games iirc it was no white outline. But for as long as I have played bo3 it has been like that lol
  15. Yes lol, the jugg symbol has always been like that in bo3
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