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Jacob Vickers

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Jacob Vickers last won the day on January 27 2021

Jacob Vickers had the most liked content!




About Jacob Vickers

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  1. You will do great things here. not a promise. not a force. not a guarantee. it's the truth. Welcome to CODZ, new member!

  2. if you guys want to see my youtube channel, here is a link: http://youtube.com/channel/UCQTi2Z6a3aHMRLExX3scxXA/videos

  3. ntz is my 5th fav, and i have a list of my fav zombie maps here (extinction,ntz, kdt,zis,tfr, and buried) if you don't get the initials, ntz=nuketown zombies, kdt=kino der toten, zombies in spaceland, and the final reich. grosten haus, five, and ntz (on high rounds) are just hard.
  4. your work is going great! keep it up!

  5. they already made tranzit in BOCW (black ops cold war)

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