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Intelligent Guy

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  1. Gosh darn it, seems like the previous Black Ops 6 forum section has been erased so all of my past posts have been lost, quite a shame. I will try to put similar thoughts into this new one. Black Ops 6 releases in around 1 week, yesterday Treyarch dropped a huge blog post, we basically know everything about the game by now, and I've seen mixed reactions from fans. Personally I'm glad that they have addressed some of the feedback given by the community. I never thought that what we saw previously was horrible, but Liberty Falls did look a little too bland , and the Hud seemed almost unfinished. Yesterdays blog post showed off the new and improved Liberty Falls, and I think it looks fine now, and the HUD is great! Even ignoring the fact that BO6 allows players to fully customize the HUD, the default zombies one might just be the best since Black Ops 3. 2 maps at launch, and a third before 2025. I think that 2 has always been the perfect number of launch maps, especially when they contrast each other in their difficulty. Examples of this are KINO and FIVE in BO1, also Shadows and The Giant in BO3. Black Ops 6 is bringing this idea back with Terminus and Liberty Falls, the latter being the easier, more casual map as confirmed by the devs. I've always enjoyed a challenge in zombies, but theres a fine balance to it, in games like cold war anyone can reach the high rounds with minimal effort, in games like black ops 1 and 2 reaching the 30s is a notable achievement for the average player. I see the value in having the games be easier, I sometimes enjoy maps where I can practically play LIKE a zombie, but it's never as rewarding to reach the higher rounds on those maps/games. From what we saw at COD NEXT Liberty Falls high rounds were laughably easy with wonder weapons like the Jetgun. Treyarch did mention that they were looking into ways to make the game harder, and I hope they went through some of those ideas. I think that Liberty Falls remaining easy is totally fine, even good as long as Terminus provides a noticeably harder challenge. And yes, visually Terminus is beautiful, BEST looking map since BLACK OPS 4 no doubt. The Augments system has the potential to be the best form of out of game progression zombies has ever seen. I used to think that any gameplay related out of game progression is harmful to the barebones start from scratch every time zombies feel, we've seen plenty of attempts in the past some less offensive than others (the worst being cold war)... BUT this new augment system has won me over completely, they combine the good aspects of what cold war did, and made it less overpowered by only allowing you to have some boosts of your choice. Some of the augments are really interesting and I can really see how this has the potential to bring true variety to the mode. I don't want to go in depth explaining all the systems so you should totally read the blog post or watch a mrroflwaffles video, take your pick. The cherry on top is the magnificent return of gobblegums, my favorite form of out of game progression from the prior games if you can even call them that. The new gobblegum system is similar to BO3 but improves on it! I seriously has little to no complaints about these systems which seems crazy. People have a problem with BO6 zombies keeping most of cold wars features and it feeling like a cold war 2 despite it being just that. I don't mind the cold war features returning as long as Treyarch improves on them which they definitely have in countless ways. Cold wars many systems allowed for more replay-ability but the quality of the maps suffered. I'm hoping that BO6 can strike a better balance. After long wait the least I expect is a game better than cold war, surely that ain't to much to ask. Bo6, please be good. Thanks for reading!
  2. This is crazy to see. Love how this looks! Especially that main menu.
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