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  • InfestLithium

    Audio Logs



    This...this is Dr. Kyle Moline. I...I'm a quantum mechanics specialist at Project Janus. Our attempt at gateway triangulation failed to close the dimensional breach. We never should've deployed the LTGs. That was a job for soldiers. Now the devices are scrap...and this town is screwed.

    No idea where Panos and Pelletier are. Nobody's on comms. I'm hiding out in Olly's Comic Shop. If I don't survive, let this by my testimony. I put the blame squarely on Director Richtofen. He's obsessed with using Aetherium to disrupt spacetime. That such I know, but there was a lot more I didn't.

    I assisted him with the containment sphere. SAM had become erratic even defiant. Richtofen didn't give a shit. He just kept plowing forward. He was more than willing to risk what's happening now for whatever he was really after. I can't image what would motivate anyone to go this far. Considering what he's done, I hope he never gets it.


    Shit Olly! Careful where you point her!




    This is Dr. Annette Pelletier. We couldn't contain the breach and the LTG's been blown to bits. The bank vault is gonna be the smartest place to wait this out...if I don't suffocate before I'm rescued. Moline and Panos' comms are dead. I'm betting they are too.

    I knew this day was coming - it was foolish to think we had more time. It started as whispers - these idiotic claims that Janus leadership was holding someone captive. But it didn't stop there. Other - more deranged gossip suggested the victim was being held in some sort of tank. I wrote it off. We were all overworked, and some people were starting to crack.

    Less than a week later, an anti-fraternization policy was enforced. We weren't allowed to interact with other departments. Research teams are kept compartmentalized, it's essential to our work. But with Janus...was that also to cover up something nefarious? All I know is the conspiracies flying around suddenly had an air of legitimacy - and if even a fraction of it was true, everyone was in danger.

    I warned my team about the rumors, fingers crossed they're still alive. Security was a different story - they chose to ignore the bossy lady scientist.  What, I may be bossy, but those negligent a-holes have killed us all.




    Chief of Security John Blanchard. Inspected construction today. Project's really coming together, but... I keep thinking about how my grandad wouldn't take me to Fort Washita when I was a kid. I wanted to do their bullshit "ghost tour" for Halloween. Sounded like dumb fun. "Sorry, Johnny. That place is bad medicine." Grandad actually used those words. And he meant it. Now I'm starting to think the same thing might be true about the mansion.

    I'd like to believe Josiah Shem didn't know what he was doing when he had his flock build the place. If he did, then he got what he deserved. "Shem's Folly." Ain't that the truth? Every owner after him - captains of industry, gangsters, you name it. All their money and power couldn't save 'em. Shit like that doesn't just happen without...other forces at work. Grandad knew that.

    But that's where the Director wants to bunk down. And I can't talk him out of it. So my job's making sure he doesn't end up like everyone else who moved into the "murder mansion". Lucky me.


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