Samantha Maxis
I am watching you, Edward! You are so close now! The voices say you will be here soon! But I. Can’t. Let. That. HAPPEN!
Stupid, sneaky, silent Teddy! I know you can hear me! Ignore me all you want, I’m in your head now! With all your other voices! HA HA HA HA HA! (To the tune of “Ring Around The Rosie”) You think you know the voices so well… HA! You only briefly touched the Aether! You have not lived it like I have! You do not understand what it truly wants…
Oh, so brave Teddy! You come all this way just to possess the Aether’s powers! What was it you wanted? Oh ja, to find Agartha! As if it will somehow solve all your problems! How childish! Do you want to know, Edward? What I’ve learned about this place? The Aether is not for us! Not me, not you, not anyone! We do not use it, it uses us!
If you acquire this power, I know what you will do! I have seen everything. *laughs* Do not worry Teddy! I won’t ruin the big surprise! It would make your ? little head explode! Besides, it doesn’t matter, because I. Won’t. Let. You. TAKE IT!
*laughs* Remember what Daddy said, Teddy? Kill them all? You took everything from me, so I will take everything from you! It’s only fair… So go! Play your stupid games with your stupid toys! I plan on breaking all of them! Because when there are no more toys… there will be no. More. Games!
(To the tune of “Ring Around The Rosie”) Teddy’s out of ammo! Puppets go and find him! RIP HIM. EAT HIM. TED-DY DIES!
Your luck just ran out Edward!
I will never forgive you for what you did to that monkey!
How dare you be so cruel to that monkey!
You are a monster!
No more playtime for Edward…
You have been bad Edward! Very bad indeed!
You cannot run forever Teddy!
You know Teddy, I think I will rip your legs off first! So you will know how it feels!
Dempsey helps you now, but after I give him back his memories… he’s going to kill you first! *laughs*
Don’t you think it’s time you just… gave up? There’s nothing for you here.
Aren’t you tired of playing this game Edward?
Nobody is coming to save you… You will die sad and alone.
Remember, Edward? Remember what you did to Daddy?! TO ME?!
One day, you’ll blow up, and it will rain Edward confetti! *laughs*
A fire sale? I hope you get a pistol, sad man!
Poor Edward, hands are so shaky, you could not kill a fly!
Teddy’s a coward! Killing my puppets from so far away! So pathetic und weak!
Everyone applaud the Doctor! ??? He managed to kill something!
You will pay dearly for that!
You cannot kill all of them Edward! There are too many!
Is that supposed to be impressive, Teddy? HA!
Uh oh! Teddy’s running out of ammo!
Oh no! You’re low on ammo! What are you going to do?!
For every one you kill, I will send ten more!
I will use that knife to cut open your belly! First I will pull out your liver, then rip out your kidneys!
Maybe I should make Nikolai’s bottle disappear? Poof! With no funny business in his head, he will see clearly und break your little neck!
No money, no friends! It must be so sad to be so lonely!
Edward has no money? JOY! *laughs* Now you are in BIG trouble!
Oh nein! Mein puppets! *laughs* Do not worry, Edward, I have plenty more!
Drink it up, Edward! I hope YOU CHOKE!
Poor Teddy! You cannot kill anything with that!
*laughs* Viel Glück Teddy! Let’s see you kill mein Kinder now!
You dare use Daddy’s invention against my puppets?!
You think your sad little Ray Gun can stop them?
Daddy would be ashamed of you!
I’m coming for you Teddy!
I picked this one just for you, Edward! It’s worthless!
Remember Edward? What you did to MEIN FLUFFY?
Mein puppies are coming to kill you now!
Such a STRONG, POWERFUL, MAN YOU ARE! Killing poor, helpless dogs!
*laughs* Having fun, Edward?
*quiet giggle* You cannot escape mein Kinder…
How should they kill you? Quickly? No… I think not. I think… one limb at a time!
Should I tell your loyal Takeo what sort of monster you really are? Then he will take his sword and SLICE YOU TO PIECES!
Hallo? It is so quiet here, it's always so quiet. I have been alone, alone for so long. But it is also so loud! All these voices! There are so many und they speak all at once! They are angry, always so angry. They say these things about the future and the past, so many worlds... Daddy, I'm scared. I miss you. I want to be with you and Fluffy. (cries) Please don't be mad at me daddy, I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I don't want to play anymore. I-I just want to go home! But he won't let me, this is all his fault! Bad Edward! Evil Edward! Teddy is a liar! Teddy, bad LIAR! He made me do these things, he took everything from me. Edward wants to come here, the Aether, Agartha. Oh but Edward can not come here, this place is not meant for him.
There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.
He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat, which a caught a crooked mouse.
And they all lived together in a little crooked house. [laughing]
Should I tell your loyal Takeo what sort of monster you really are? Then he will take his sword
Hallo? It is so quiet here, it's always so quiet. I have been alone, alone for so long. But it is also
so loud! All these voices! There are so many und they speak all at once! They are angry, always
so angry. They say these things about the future and the past, so many worlds... Daddy, I'm
scared. I miss you. I want to be with you and Fluffy. (cries) Please don't be mad at me daddy, I
didn't mean to hurt anyone, I don't want to play anymore. I-I just want to go home! But he won't
let me, this is all his fault! Bad Edward! Evil Edward! Teddy is a liar! Teddy, bad LIAR! He made
me do these things, he took everything from me. Edward wants to come here, the Aether,
Agartha. Oh but Edward can not come here, this place is not meant for him.
There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.
He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat, which a caught a crooked mouse.
And they all lived together in a little crooked house. [laughing]
Oh… Oh Dempsey… Another big tough man without a brain… Always a good soldier! Always the American savage! Und always so gleefully killing my puppets! Who are you always talking to? I hear you do it. Even when the others aren’t around. You are like a talking doll! Speaking to people who aren’t there! Maybe Teddy DID break you! But you can stop him! It could be so easy! Just pull the trigger and… POP! No more Teddy! What is it you want? Do you want to stop fighting? Do you want to go home? Do you want your memories back? The ones he took from you? Kill him for me, und I will give you EVERYTHING!
Why does HE get to have all the fun, Nikolai? Why does Teddy get to make all the rules? Is it because Nikolai is smelly? No! Is it because Nikolai likes buying drinks? No! Is it because Nikolai is sad? No... It is because you settled! You settled for being a supporting role in your own life! I understand. You lost everyone und everything you loved. And then, slowly, you lost yourself. But you were not always this way! When you were young, your spirit was strong! You were not content with playing second fiddle! [sigh] But that man no longer exists. Well, he no longer exists in you! [giggles] Did you find my little present, Nikolai? The little something I left for you? I bet you didn’t even recognize him! Time is a cruel mistress!
[giggles] Stupid, silly, smelly Teddy… You think you are so big und scary! But a man with such a big brain, your head is hollow! Nothing inside! [laughter] You think they do not notice the people you hurt? But they know! They remember! WE REMEMBER! Do you even remember?! What you did to daddy?! What you did to mein Fluffy?! Of course you do! You just do not care! Because you are obsessed! Stupid, stubborn, sad-faced Teddy! I know you hear voices! I hear them too... Do you know what they tell me? They say you cannot come here! [laughter] I hope you are having fun, Edward! Because if mein puppets do not kill you, I'll do it myself! I will pull you apart, like a little doll! Limb. By. Limb. Until all your stuffing comes out!
Takeo Masaki! Always talking about honor, and your ancient samurai ways! But you are just so... oh, boring! [laughs] It is no wonder the others despise you! At least you were kind to the monkey. When Edward took it from me, I was so mad! He made him into a monster! But you still see good in the monsters! Is that why you like Edward so much? Always so eager to please the doctor! Takeo, the loyal servant! Takeo, the lap dog! Takeo, the whipping boy! [laughs] Is that just who you are Takeo? A follower? Not a leader? Join me, Takeo. Kill Edward and I will restore your honor! After all, a good dog should be rewarded! Not neglected!
"Tank" Dempsey (Post Moon)
*groans* Can't sleep... Can't think straight. Damn German... damn little girl...
*laughs* Know what we did?! We told them! Don't believe us! They won't listen... We blew it up... Whole damn planet! Blew up the whole thing!
She warned us... He's got voices in his head... He used us! Used all of us! Fucking sauerkraut...
Not finished... Gotta... break free. Gotta get out of here... Fucked it all up... We can still fix it!
*laughs* Ooh-rah Juggergirl!
*whistles Samantha's Lullaby*
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