John F. Kennedy
"This is not a contribution to the human spirit." - box_move_3
"Stick that in your Warren Commission, Dick!" - kill_close_3
"Executive Order 112477. Die!" - kill_crawler_0
"Ich bein ien Berliner!" - kill_damaged_2
"Back to the Stone Age, bubbas!" - kill_explo_4
"To the Moon with you hellion!" - kill_headshot_1
"Mankind must put an end to the undead, before the undead put an end to mankind!" - kill_headshot_4
"Ahaha, winning the Space Race now!" - kill_ray_1
"Ah, just like back in Roswell!" - kill_ray_4
"Just like the Solomon Isles!" - kill_streak_1
"I know there is a Devil, for I see a storm coming and his hand is in it!" - kill_streak_14
"Worthy of Ben Franklin." - kill_tesla_2
"Builds faster than a Communist building a wall." - powerup_carp_0
"I'm coming for them, and Hell's coming with me." - wpck_favorite_upgrade_2
"Time to deanimate the reanimated." - wpck_favorite_upgrade_3
"Time for a Zombie Missile Crisis!" - wpck_launcher_2
"Uh, whoever invented this must be insane." - wpck_monkey_0
"Ancient weapons are no substitute for a Ray Gun at your side." - wpck_raygun_0
Robert McNamara
"Show them why you won in 1960!" - vox_plr_1_hr_resp_ohshit_4
"Show us your insides, Devil!" - vox_plr_1_kill_explo_0
"Shock therapy works every time." - vox_plr_1_kill_tesla_1
"130,000 miles per hour, 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit, a truly effective weapon." - vox_plr_1_kill_tesla_4
"Double-Tap; increases rate of fire by 30%. Execute." - vox_plr_1_perk_doubletap_0
"Where have I seen this gun before?" - vox_plr_1_wpck_raygun_4
Richard Nixon
"Lenin would be pleased." - hr_resp_kill_headshot_4
"Hahaha, I am closer to heaven than ever before!" - vox_plr_3_kill_close_4
"Not even Dante can describe the Hell you've seen." - vox_plr_3_kill_monkey_1
"This weapon can move worlds!" - kill_ray_4
"If it takes months, every one of these hell-spawns will burn!" - kill_streak_1
"If only I had this at the Bay of Pigs!" - wpck_raygun_1
"This gun arouses my spirit!" - wpck_thunder_0
Fidel Castro
"I wonder if this is covered by the Second Amendment." - kill_thunder_4
"President Nixon is not part of a complete breakfast." - ohshit_0
"I knew it! The aliens are real!" - wpck_raygun_0
"Where was this made? I don't trust." - wpck_raygun_3
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