Tank Dempsey
"Dempsey, I think you're improving with age." - kill_headshot_2
"Dude, you know what I'd grow if I had a room like this? Hahaha." - location_biodome_3
"Hey, check it out, there's a black egg. Wonder what it does." - quest_step2_0
"Take that egg!" - quest_step2_1
"So you're the little bitch that keeps moving that box on me. I promised I'd ground you when I caught you, just wait til I get you out of that tube!" - quest_step4_4
"Uh, I don't know how to use this. Ask Richtofen, I think he built this place." - quest_step5_11
"Uh, that's it? Seriously? All that work and all we did was blow up the Earth? What the fuck." - quest_step8_9
"Let's rock this party like it's 1946!" - revive_up_2
"Richtofen just can't get enough worship." - riv_resp_spawn_crawl_1
"Samantha, Queen of Carnage!" - s_resp_kill_headshot_1
"Ya know you never helped us much, why should we help you?" - s_resp_ohshit_1
"Why did Richtofen bring us here?" - start_0
"Ah, home sweet home." - start_1
"Nevada, where the men are men and the sheep are nervous." - start_2
"Why they call this place Paradise Ranch is beyond me, the desert sucks!" - start_3
"Wish I could use Tak’s katana, must just be there for decoration right?" - wpck_bowie_1
"I'm gonna buy one of these for my five year-old once this shit's over." - wpck_favorite_3
"My own personal pocket teleporter, sweet." - wpck_gersh_device_3
"I hate Dick-tofen. That guy's gonna get what's comin' to him, one of these days anyway." - wpck_upgrade_wait_2
"Takeo has changed a bit since we first met, I'm probably rubbin' off on him some." - wpck_upgrade_wait_3
Nikolai Belinski
"Gah! I just washed my hair zombie, once a year!" - kill_close_0
"This thing sucks harder than sixth wife!" - kill_gersh_device_4
"Ahaha you're much cuter now zombie, like seventh wife." - kill_headshot_6
"Ooh the electricity dancing on their corpses is so beautiful, like second wife." - kill_micro_dual_2
"Wow he just swelled up and exploded, just like little Nikolai." - kill_micro_single_1
"Shouldn't have kept them in that extra 30 seconds, like fourth wife... Ugly kid." - kill_micro_single_3
"Smells like third wife's cooking... I loved it!" - kill_quad_1
"Killed by the same magic that spawned you Hellpig!" - kill_raygun_4
"Nikolai enjoys the slaughter, almost as much as my second wife." - kill_streak_8
"Ooh I feel like young Nikolai again, then I get beaten from father." - perk_jugga_0
"Thank god I can go home and tell seventh wife I now make double points... and about new girlfriend." - powerup_double_0
"There is rotten egg on Moon? I thought it was made out of cheese." - quest_step2_0
"Do not hit it to hard, a black egg does not smell so good." - quest_step2_3
"Is she suspended in vodka? Pickled bitch, you cause so much headache!" - quest_step4_4
"So that's what he wanted to do... I probably should have seen that coming." - quest_step6_13
"Oh no, not that egg again!" - quest_step8_0
"Uh, is it just me or did we blow up Earth?" - quest_step8_7
"Haha! Goodbye wife number nine! I do not think I'll be able to top that one, she died when I blew up the Earth! Fun times! I will miss her..." - quest_step8_9
"Wow! I can be space-man cosmonaut, like little Nikolai always dream of, right?" - teleporter_1
"I have finally made it to the Moon. You were wrong fourth wife, you were wrong!" - teleporter_4
"Sexy weapon for sexy Russian. Most women think so at least, fourth wife not so much." - wpck_favorite_5
"It's been a while since I've had a chance to.. ehem, 'oscillate'." - wpck_favorite_upgrade_1
"Hey, ray, remember when we first met? Times were different, no?" - wpck_raygun_1
"Strong and powerful, like fourth wife. No, they were all big... They could plow field." - wpck_smg_4
"I don't know what Richtofen's up to, but it cannot be good for me." - wpck_upgrade_wait_1
Takeo Masaki
"Bring me ammo, or bring me an honourable death." - ammo_low_2
"Money wasted" - box_move_3
"I will find you again box! And there will be a reckoning" - box_move_4
"An egg of the Devil" - quest_step2_0
"Your lifeforce is not put to good use in the machine" - quest_step4_0
"The machine is filled with the dishonour of the dishonourable" - quest_step4_2
"I will destroy you yet, Edward" - quest_step6_13
"Ah, the egg of dishonour, bah" - quest_step8_0
"I do not like this egg, it gives me a very bad feeling" - quest_step8_1
"I promise to destroy every last remnant of 935! I will destroy them all!" - quest_step8_9
Dr. Edward Richtofen
"Your time will come to an end, little girl." - box_move_2
"Nein! Death is not my destiny!" - down_revive_4
"Tell that little brat I am coming for her!" - kill_gersh_device_1
"Oh my, what have they done here?" - location_biodome_0
"They never did finish my little cabin in the biodome." - location_biodome_2
"My patience is at an end. You, were my patience (patients). Ahahah!" - ohshit_3
"Nothing happened, at least in this reality." - powerup_antipts_plr_1
"The voices! Make them stop!" - powerup_antipts_plr_2
"The voices in my head, they scream!" - powerup_insta_0
"Stop talking to me. Lalalalalalala." - powerup_insta_1
"Damn it I hate doing this, where is Groph when you need him." - quest_step1_0
"Ooh wonderful, I was wondering where that artifact went. Perfect timing" - quest_step2_0
"I knew I should have invented an egg moving robot. Stupid Maxis with his rules and stupid accent." - quest_step2_4
"Now to realign the Antikythera Mechanism. Just kidding, but it is pretty cool, look it up. I made it, mystery solved." - quest_step2_6
"Of course! The machine is powered by life force. How silly, I should have remembered that!" - quest_step4_0
"Child, soon I will kill you for good. But first, there is one more thing that I must do. HAHAHAHA!!!" - quest_step4_4
"Ah good, the plate I was looking for." - quest_step5_1
"Now where did I put the Casimir holder?" - quest_step5_3
"We need to connect the Casimir Mechanism to the computer system." - quest_step5_6
"The Casimir Effect only occurs when there is a vacuum." - quest_step5_10
"Login: teddy. Password: isaliar. I'm not, but that's why no one would guess it!" - quest_step5_12
"What is it with Groph's obsession with American women, all they do is play games! No matter, time to charge up the Casimir Mechanism. Carry the one..." - quest_step5_14
"Maxis, how on Earth did you get into the machine? No matter." - quest_step5_19
"You should never have kept the DG-2 from production, you should never have tried to steal the plans for the MDT!" - quest_step5_21
"Indeed, and now you are dead. Your little girl is going to be next! She is the source of madness, not I." - quest_step5_23
"And delete. Goodbye, Doctor Maxis." - quest_step5_25
"I will kill you yet, Fluffy." - spawn_dog_3
"Another reminder of Maxis' failure! Hahahaha!" - spawn_quad_3
"This will draw the samples I need." - wpck_favorite_2
"Ah Gersh, the builder of the Casimir Mechanism prototype. I will show you how to build a real one." - wpck_gersh_device_0
"Dr. Gersh, he would have fit into my project had he been born earlier." - wpck_gersh_device_4
"This V-R11 shall yield to me all their secrets." - wpck_hacker_2
"The stole this from me!" - wpck_quantum_1
"Now to use this to blast a hole in space-time and... what was I saying?" - wpck_quantum_2
"Aha! Never again will my creations be used against me." - wpck_quantum_3
Dr. Ludwig Maxis
"Hahahahahahahaha!" - vox_xcomp_laugh
"Access denied, Richtofen." - vox_xcomp_quest_step5_15
"You fool! I should never have trusted you!" - vox_xcomp_quest_step5_18
"I know what you are up to, and I will not allow you to succeed." - vox_xcomp_quest_step5_20
"Stop the madness, Edward. We were supposed to help the human condition, not destroy it." - vox_xcomp_quest_step5_22
"She is just a little girl, Edward! She doesn't even know what she's doing." - vox_xcomp_quest_step5_24
"Greetings. If you are receiving this message, it means that Richtofen has entered the device. If you free me, I will help you minimize the damage that he will inevitably cause." - vox_xcomp_quest_step6_14
"Good. Now that I am in control of the station, we have one last chance to sever Edwards link with Earth. I will calculate the position, retrieve the artifact, and take it to the launch platform." - vox_xcomp_quest_step7_5
"I have finished the calculations, launch protocol initiated. Launch in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." - vox_xcomp_quest_step8_4
"30 seconds to impact." - vox_xcomp_quest_step8_5
"Well, that was a much larger explosion than I anticipated. I have done all I can, I certainly hope those calculations were correct." - vox_xcomp_quest_step8_
Samantha Maxis
"Feed the Aether" - kill_gersch_device_2
"Tell Edward to die!" - kill_gersch_device_3
"You will never succeed in this, Edward!" (with demonic voice)- quest_step6_1
"The blackness will swallow your pride! Something far more terrible than you can imagine lays here" (with demonic voice)- quest_step6_1a
"I will destroy you for what you've done to daddy!" (with demonic voice)- quest_step6_2
"This must be the artifact daddy was talking about- quest_step8
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