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Come in CoDZ thi... is.... lpha... Snake ca.. yo.. re.. me..

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Incoming transmission...

Don't kn... how lo.. I can ... hol.. ut.. thei.. com... god hel.. u.. all.

If conta.. fails... her..

le..... a pac.... here....



I ho.. thi.. rea... yo.. in ti...

Arhhh..... Yaaaaa.... (Gunshot)... The... her.. we got... mov...

End of transmission. (Static)...........................

  • 7 months later...

Haha, my youtube channel has been overhauled for CoDz Nazi Zombie Videos... Check it out...

I could use some CoDz power to help me get started...

The Videos are all about explaining and pointing out CoDz theories, if you have a good theory chances are I've read your post, so yeah, lots of shout outs to CoDz members look for them...

Regards Alpha. ;)


What the heck? (Static) Where the f (Static)... Am i? (Screeching) HOLY SH (Static)...

(Panting;Footsteps) I think i lost em... Better pull out my Droid... (Droid Start-up Sound) Oh thank the lord! Oh hey, Alpha made an intro (Static)... Well welcome Alpha (Static) HOLY SH (Static) They're...Rig...Ther...(Gunshot) That's better... Who would have thought that all this would happ...While i was play...Call of...Ops...


hahaha, nice fisher...

I now have a face book...

Tank Dempsey with a 935 logo... Don't know how to post a like to it.

Regards Alpha.

Thanks Alpha! :D Just copy the url and paste it here, then we should be able to click it and head RIGHT to your page. The internet is a wonderous thing, isn't it? :lol:


Indeed it is:


Thats it right there... I have lots of friends made during Assassins creed brotherhood so I'll see if I can get some over to CoDz, a lot of them are European, I think CoDz is mostly America & UK for some reason... Maybe not I could be wrong on that...

Another play date tonight I think... 00:00 BST...

Regards Snake.

  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the group Alpha. I have placed your things in room 102 on the top floor of the research tower. Your schedule for research is on your desk at cubicle 15. You will recieve your first orders at exactly 1:30 tomorrow. I have no doubt that you will be a great addition to the team, knowing that you have the experience furthered my recomendation of you. I understand that you work better alone but, by L.Maxis's orders, you have been paired with one Yuri, last name is confidential to new additions. He has been transfered from the Gersch project to work with you on the monkeys. Hopefully you two can get along, but be warned, Yuri has been acting strange lately and has reported a little girl on premesis. If there is any more aggression in Yuri's actions, please report it to the head of security, Hienrich Gastrawn....

P.S. I know you are a leading sorce for "Carbonfibah's" investigations into our work, but please remember. No one, NO ONE is to know about your coming into Group 935, not even your friends and family. I expect you to understand this condition, but be warned, you are a good friend of mine and a great investigator, but if you reveal anything to anyone outside of the group, i will be forced to do something i don't want to have to do.

Regards Group 935,

Nathan W. Lamar (Fisher10190)

  • 5 months later...

Dear Alpha. This is Fisher. We must talk. L.Maxis is...Dead. Richtofen has turned, and the little girl is now turning everything upside down. I have alerted most of our forces, but Hitler has completely buried the thought of our project. We are left to with no other choice but to survive ourselves. I know by now you are already at home, posting more research for CoDz, but i need your help. Der Riese has been lost, like Verrukt and Shi No Numa, and Richtofen is on the Moon. No doubt he is nearing the end of his master plan. You need to put a group together, Please! I can't stop him alone. Recruit only the best and highest ranked of your friends. Hurry!


This is an invitation, should you except, go to the "Zombie Stories" section and post your reply...

  • 1 year later...

Sorry if the link is down.

An unexpected error occurred when loading this section

Try refreshing your browser.

This does happen a lot at the moment.

Also, on other news:

I will be online soon.

Regards, Alpha.

  • 2 months later...

How you all doing?

So what have I missed? Have I been missed?

I missed all you dead meatsackers.

How is Die Rise? Any juicy plot twists to bring me back into the fold?

I need an update for the last month.

Regards Alpha.


How you all doing?

So what have I missed? Have I been missed?

I missed all you dead meatsackers.

How is Die Rise? Any juicy plot twists to bring me back into the fold?

I need an update for the last month.

Regards Alpha.

missed you Alpha!

DIE RISE IS FANTASMO. has a solo cutscene and everything.

there are some great threads in this section RE: Die Rise - viewforum.php?f=147

  • 2 months later...

Sounds good, anything new since my last post?

Sorry I've been out of my mind busy these last few months.

Good news is I'm starting to get some free time again.

Today, for the first time in what seems like months I am on my own at home.


I feel so out of touch with the community these days.

Feels good to be posting again.

Regards Alpha.


Glad to have you back and posting!

In regards to new things, there's been a lot. I don't know if it's completely right, but I got a lot of good responses from my Ghosts of Alcatraz thread that's in my signature. If I'm correct, as many believe it to be, then we may have just figured out how Zombies will end. I thought it was interesting as it would spewing out of my head.

Lots of new, juicy stuff in Zombies. Glad to have you back! You've been missed.


Good to see you posting a little again.

The dark is coming back. I think 3arc want you to finish your previous threads. The Pack a Punched camo is very interesting, possibly Alchemy circles. It's all dark from here on in.....

Hope you keep posting more. I look forward to it.

  • 2 months later...

Glad to see the site back online.

How are things these days?

Any mind blowing developments?

Also, anyone else think World War Z was a total turd fest.

Regards Alpha.

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