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XBOX Gp & IMAGES for trophies now leaked too.


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To be honest, no one can tell what is going to happen until the game is released. But here's my two cents anyway:

The 'Pentagon Thief'? What would this be? Some sort of mini-boss? It must have something to do with zombies because it's in the middle of the zombies section in the list. Maybe it can steal your ammo and attack you with it, which could also explain getting shot by a PAP'd crossbow. Besides, has no one realised how AWESOME it'd be to PAP modern weapons?

And I wouldn't be surprised (well, I would) if Treyarch linked Black Ops to World at War somehow, involving time travel. It was one of the main elements of the WAW storyline: Matter Transference. But I get the feeling that if any of our old friends from WAW appear at all, it'll be either Richtofen or possibly Edward (providing they aren't the same person)? I mean, we do hear something going on with the power after Edward kills Maxis and Samantha... any thoughts?

And now to 'Dead Ops', remember what 'Ops' means. So no doubt, it'll be some sort of substory involving side-missions in an arcade style thing. But Treyarch didn't call it 'Dead Ops' for no reason, it must have something to do with zombies, because it'd be pretty boring if we played it and every character was DEAD :facepalm: Maybe, we get to play as a zombie? Wait, no, that'd be bad. The objective is to not let this become Left 4 Dead 3 :?

But maybe it will be some sort of zombie storyline, possible even the one we've been trying to solve for over a year and a half now ;)

The answers will all be clear in time. But, although I hate to bring the mood down, if Treyarch continue our old storyline or start a new one in the Black Ops zombies mode, it won't be concluded right away. No, it'll be either concluded over the Black Ops MPs or in the next Call of Duty game (unless that'll be Modern Warfare 3... *shudder* uggh, don't even go there). Okay, the next game Treyarch make in the Call of Duty series.

Sorry for boring you all with this wall of text ;)

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