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Hands Off My Vodka

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Sup CoDz, My name is Erick, Im new to zombies but DO NOT underestimate me, Im looking for people to play zombies with since all of my friends are hooked on MP, Ive been playing video games ever since Super Mario World on the SNES and honestly if it wasnt for my 4 G's (Games,Graffiti,Girls And Ganja) id probably be in a gang with all my stupid cousins (Yes Im A Ghetto Child), hmmm like I said im new to zombies, went in to Black Ops SUPER HYPED about the MP and what do you know zombies turns out to be my addiction xD (MP is still dope), hmm wut else can i say, Im 19, Im Hispanic, Im From Texas, In 8 Months Im gonna be a dad :) I LOVE UNDERGROUND RAP! and thats about it lol, add me on PSN xSTRAYBULLETS

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