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Marathon Pro - Downfall of Search and Destroy.


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First off, 97% of the time I play Hardcore Search, and Have done so for a very long time.

In My opinion, Hardcore Search and Destroy(Hardcore modes in General) Was at its Peak in World at War.

Hardcore Search in World at War Had an Excellent Pace. Slower and More Deliberate. The Kind of Pace that a game mode where you only have one life Should Have, not to mention the Hardcore Variant. This Excellent pacing was Due in part to The Much Larger, more complicated/diverse maps in World at War. Oh, And the Lack Of Unlimited Sprint.

[*]Almost Every round of Search and Destroy in World at War someone actually went for the objective, or the round lasted until time limit, even on the smaller maps like Hanger, Courtyard, and Makin.

Then Along comes modern warfare 2 with unlimited sprint, and smaller, flat(95%of them, not bad, just smaller) maps. Someone with marathon and lightweight could be in the Enemy Spawn within Seconds on Any Map in the game, with the exceptions being the two larger maps, which even then only took a few seconds longer.

    [*:pkp95jyt]Because of this Search and Destroy began to transform from a Slower paced Objective game, into Team Deathmatch with one life. Everyone would use marathon and lightweight to rush to the opposing spawn and try to kill everyone, most times never even picking up the bomb, or even thinking about going after the objective. Entire games lasted a mere few minutes most of the time.
    [*:pkp95jyt]With some help from the smaller map design in modern warfare 2. Marathon Destroyed the Pace, and purpose of Search and Destroy, almost entirely.

Now with Black Ops, Search and Destroy has slowed back down a little, with help from the more complicated maps(for the most part).

    [*:pkp95jyt]But the Maps Are still relatively small. Small enough that a ten second Delay on Rifle Grenades isn't enough, especially when You can just look up and Toss a Hand Grenade 3/4 the across a lot of the maps.
    [*:pkp95jyt]And even though unlimited sprint is pretty challenging to obtain(legitimately that is), I have already experienced some of the same, Team-Deathmatch-with-one-life style of playing Search and Destroy in Black Ops, with people never even grabbing the Bomb from there spawn.

I fear Marathon Pro, Compounded with Flak Jacket to make it so the rusher doesn't even have to think twice about Claymores; may have well created the Very Class that will Unravel The tentatively cautious pacing of Search and Destroy once again.

I love Hardcore Search and Destroy, and I hope the Community Doesn't Destroy it.

I realize that this isn't necessarily a fundamental gameplay flaw, just another thing the Community has begun to Exploit and Whore, like many other things, And it Obviously Isn't the only thing Harming Search.

But with lightweight, and a non-pro Marathon that already lets you sprint for longer than Extreme Conditioning in Call of Duty 4 and World at War, Is the Inclusion of Unlimited Sprint Really Even Necessary?

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Look I am not meaning to offend you, but if you don't like the way HD search and destroy is on black ops than play it on W@W. I really don't like it when people say there was a "flaw" or a "downfall" to a great game like black ops. All i know is you just have to suck it up and play man, have fun

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