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Zombies Mode Map - Ascension

Set in an "abandoned Soviet cosmodrome," Ascension features the regular cast of Zombies players (Takeo, Nikoli, Dempsey, and Rictoffen). But it does include new enemies, including Space Monkeys who steal perks. Uh.... what? New weapons include the Gersch Device or "Black Hole Bomb" and Matryoshka Dolls. Those damned dirty monkeys will be swiping new perks that include Stamin-Up and PhD Flopper, the benefits of which we're not quite sure.

Source Here- http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/114/1144268p1.html


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  GruBTubz said:
Phillips your a troll. All that you post is, "Theres already a thread on it".

- Jacob.

No, Phillips is not a troll?

You're an idiot.

The reason he said it, is because MULTIPLE THREADS ARE NOT ALLOWED.

You are wasting the Codz Community's bandwidth.


  Anti Earth said:
  GruBTubz said:
Phillips your a troll. All that you post is, "Theres already a thread on it".

- Jacob.

No, Phillips is not a troll?

You're an idiot.

The reason he said it, is because MULTIPLE THREADS ARE NOT ALLOWED.

You are wasting the Codz Community's bandwidth.

Cool story bro, I'm new here, so this is the first info of its kind that I've seen.


  GruBTubz said:
  Anti Earth said:
  GruBTubz said:
Phillips your a troll. All that you post is, "Theres already a thread on it".

- Jacob.

No, Phillips is not a troll?

You're an idiot.

The reason he said it, is because MULTIPLE THREADS ARE NOT ALLOWED.

You are wasting the Codz Community's bandwidth.

Cool story bro, I'm new here, so this is the first info of its kind that I've seen.

OK, well generally

if there is a already a topic.. Do NOT make another topic that is a complete copy in every way...

It's not really a forum rule as such, more of a REALITY rule.

It's logical, think about it.

And memes don't result in exceptions to this.

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