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Theory on perk stealing monkeys....

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First off, please don't scrutinize me on weather they are monkeys or baboons or chimpanzees. I'm calling them monkeys for the time being.

Ok, on to my theory. The not yet confirmed information says that we will have monkeys that steal perks. Now, I don't think that ALL of they monkeys steal perks. Only a certain few steal, while the rest are bullet sponges. Think back to Der Reise where in the higher levels we had zombies, as well as dogs. That is what I think it is going to be like, where the dogs are the perk stealing monkey and the zombies are the general monkey population.

Now, as we saw in the trailer, one of the monkeys was wearing red (the one that was attacking Nikolai). This could mean he was a Juggernog monkey, since Juggernog is red. So this could mean that all of the perk stealing monkeys are wearing shirts that are color coordinated with the perks, meanwhile the other monkeys are just there to distract you from the perk stealing ones.

Oh, and does anyone have an idea on how they steal your perks? Like, do they hit you a few times and they are gone?

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I've seen three monkey suit colors so far: red, green, and another color that is either yellow or silver. Like others have said, red is Juggernog, green is Speed Cola, and the third one is something else.... probably Double Tap Root Beer if it is yellow. There are probably other colors if the theory is correct. As for how they steal your perks, I don't know. Probably hump it out of you or something.

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See, I was thinking something like that. Haha. Like they would just beat it out of you, but I had another theory while watching the trailer for the billionth time. When Nikolai kills the monkey in the Juggernog (red) suit, there is a red glow, like the electricity when the dogs spawn, only red. Maybe if you walk into the electricity, it will take your perk. Like how walking into the nova gas on KDT blurs your vision.

Will post pic ASAP....

EDIT: Glow shown here....

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That red flash is just to signify that the perk has been stolen I'm pretty sure.

If you look closely the monkey is wearing a red jacket and there's a red flash so it just took Juggernog.

Also, the monkey might of teleported in that red flash after it stole the perk, like the Thief in Five.

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In the trailer I noticed that there are bigger monkeys and smaller monkeys.

Maybe only the smaller ones try to steal perks, while the bigger ones try to kill you. (They're both in the first monkey frame of the trailer.)

However, the T-shirts theory sounds good, some days and we'll know.

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apperently theres t-shirts on each monkey on which perk there gonna steal, also about someone said they have played the ascension map ages before the trailer, they said there ws a annoying red light from the silverbacks, i was thinking a silverback would be sumin like king king but the monkeys are actually the ones in the campaign but with just red eyes.

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