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Ascension video Highlights.

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At 0:07, look above the rear sight. It is the perk machine for Satmin-up. He also has the perk above emblem. It is yellow with the running man on it.

At 0:23 Death Machine

At 0:57 Graph of rocket in red, showing it isn't ready to launch, with m14 on the wall to the left.

At 1:10 shows graph again, power room.

At 1:32 shows dolls in box

At 1:53 player jumps into black whole, dissapears... presumed dead....

At 2:35 Look at the rocket graph at the top of the screen, one portion is blinking green. Could this mean that using the landers set the rocket up to launch?

At 2:43 shows PHDFlopper with monkeys attacking it. A millisecond before we see the side or Richtofen's head.

At 3:10 Thunder gun :D

Now, I only posted things not noticed. Obvious things such as guns being held, monkey throwing back grenade, color being restored, etc.. etc.. I didn't because you should figure that out for yourself.

THANKS FOR VIEWING :D will make a video pointing things out sometime in the near future.


-Monkeys steal perks by raiding the perk machine. If you have the perk bought it will flash until it goes away, you must kill them while they are at the machine.

-Lander transportation is 250 pts. The blue TV screens are placed near the landers.

-Both perks are confirmed

-Blackhole bomb transports or kills player if you step into it.

-Landers take you to original room

-It is presumed that you must make the rocket lift-off to get the pack-a-punch

[brains] if you would like.

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