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Possible Easter Egg Found involving Gesher Device


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This coincides with my theory that the Announcer guy is in-fact still alive somewhere...

When you spawn on the map at the beginning you can hear him say (after power offline etc)

"Please help. You must repair the components. She is coming."

And now as you've found, he says once the power is on:

“You’ve done it! Now it needs as much power as possible. Hurry, she’s getting nearer.”



I'd say so. I think that she achieved some sorta powers when Maxis threw her on the Teleporter

[THEORY] It never made any sense that Maxis would have his daughter on Der Riese, 935 didn't had contact with any family. So what if Samantha was the main experiment, the "real" goal of Group 935? Maybe she was "designed" to be sorta of this "super-zombie" and then she was thrown in the teleporter by Maxis to escape from Fluffy. I still think she got locked there such as one of the test subjects, and then gained the power over giving you bonus or not for an example.


  Zombie_Creeper said:
I'd say so. I think that she achieved some sorta powers when Maxis threw her on the Teleporter

[THEORY] It never made any sense that Maxis would have his daughter on Der Riese, 935 didn't had contact with any family. So what if Samantha was the main experiment, the "real" goal of Group 935? Maybe she was "designed" to be sorta of this "super-zombie" and then she was thrown in the teleporter by Maxis to escape from Fluffy. I still think she got locked there such as one of the test subjects, and then gained the power over giving you bonus or not for an example.

Interesting theory :mrgreen:


  123CODZOMB said:
More power? Shoot it with a Thunder gun or another black hole bomb maybe? Nice find :D

Also is there more then one generator? And there is also batteries around the map.

Maybe your supposed to throw another Gersch Device into that thing that is blue and electrically charged in the middle of the map?


Me and my friend found the switch the ominous distressed voice (the one you hear when you throw a Gersh at the teleporter) was talking about! the switch is located on a computer-type-deal underneath some stairs in the lunar lander room with the claymores in it. After my friend hit the switch, Tank said something along the lines of "Yup, only three more to go!" and the voice from before also said something good...im not even going to attempt to recall what it said but i DO remember that it was encouraging. We've now been searching for a half hour attempting to find the three other switches with no avail.....maybe you guys can help us! (btw crawlers with 1 leg dont regenerate legs :D )


I was just playing and i found a total of five radios:

1. In between the 2 barricades to the left of the stairs of lunar lander A.

2. A caged box near the tank dempsey doll behind the truck.

3. In the spawn room, right under the teddy bear with the sickle is a caged little cart. The radio is wedged in between that cart and a barrel on its right side.

4. In the PaP room. when facing the PaP machine, look to the right side window. To the right of that window, laying on a few pipes is the radio.

5. This one is obvious, but no one ever really noticed it. it is right next to the Nikolai doll, which is near the speed cola.

Now onto part dos. After throwing my Gersch at the generator outside of the map near lunar lander A, the operator said "Need more power, error." Right after that, the guy from the beginning of the map who said that we need to "fix the mechanism" came on and said "Yoou did it! now we just need more power!" I went to the terminal under the metal walkway which is in the same room as lunar lander C (i think, its the one near stamina up)and held X on the tv screen. The same "real" man then said "We still need more power. Wait. Wait, what are you doing?!" Dempsey then said "Well, i guess theres three more then." Im guessing that the man on the PA was being attacked by samantha.

Well anyways, i searched for about 2 hours for another piece of the puzzle, so now i leave it to you guys. Have fun!

EDIT: And you can also blow up the rocket. I saw a video and decided to try it myself. I had a ray gun and shot it at the rocket about 20 times at various places before i launched it. I then set off the launch sequence and shot it again with the raygun till the rocket blew up. I dont think you need to shoot it before it launches, but i did it because i didnt want to start over and try again. I havent tried it with any other gun either.


Note that when looking for radios, you have to activate some others before the others are unlocked. And I knew that there was one in the PaP room, just never found it :(


  D3M0N-SNYP3R said:
Please DONT repost... i have this posted, along with all the other easter eggs...

Oh. I didn't see your topic. Guess I was too caught up in making sure I did it first. Sorry 'bout that.


Carbon has an HD PVR and he's been releasing a MESS of easter eggs. Why don't we show this to him so he can make a video? He's already made a video about the five radios. Why not of this, too?

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